To help further, I'm just implementing an option
drawOptions().fixedFontSize to allow you to insist on a font size, in
pixels.  I will remember to expose it to Python!
Layout is a different department, I'm afraid I can't help there.  It would
probably be better to start a new thread with that, so as to catch the
attention of the right people.

On Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 3:58 PM Tim Dudgeon <> wrote:

> Thanks Dave. Understood.
> A related question - is it possible to make the layout aware of the amount
> of space that is available? I'm stuck with a very wide and short aspect
> ratio and it would be helpful if the layout engine could optimise the
> layout to fit in that unconventional space.
> Tim
> On Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 11:40 AM David Cosgrove <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> Sorry, the font size setting both within the code and in the public
>> interface has been a fraught matter since Freetype was introduced for the
>> font drawing and it isn't currently as controllable as one might wish.  The
>> font is chosen based on baseFontSize and the drawing scale.  The size of
>> the font relative to the bond lengths is therefore fixed, unless it hits
>> the minFontSize or maxFontSize.  So for a large molecule in a small canvas,
>> it is likely that the font size will be larger relative to the bonds as
>> minFontSize has an effect, and vice versa with a small molecule in a large
>> canvas.  To achieve what you want, you need to increase bastFontSize,
>> which, as Paolo mentioned, isn't currently exposed to Python.  Apologies
>> for that, which was an oversight.  It does work with the current release,
>> though, so if you don't mind rebuilding RDKit you can use it now.
>> Add
>> ```
>>       .def_readwrite(
>>           "baseFontSize", &RDKit::MolDrawOptions::baseFontSize,
>>           "relative size of font.  Defaults to 0.6.  -1 means use
>> default.")
>> ```
>> to $RDBASE/Code/GraphMol/MolDraw2D/Wrap/rdMolDraw2D.cpp immediately after
>> the analogous minFontSize entry
>> HTH,
>> Dave
>> On Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 10:31 AM Tim Dudgeon <>
>> wrote:
>>> OK, thanks. That's great to hear.
>>> In the meantime could someone explain how the font is currently chosen?
>>> e.g. if I specify 10 as min and 14 as max what is actually used?
>>> Tim
>>> On Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 10:11 AM Paolo Tosco <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Tim,
>>>> Dave Cosgrove is currently working at a PR which, among other things,
>>>> addresses exactly the need that you describe through the baseFontSize
>>>> parameter, which is currently not exposed to Python. The PR is almost ready
>>>> for merging and it should become part of the March release.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> p.
>>>> On Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 10:57 AM Tim Dudgeon <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I'm confused over how the font is chosen when drawing molecules.
>>>>> There are MolDrawOptions.minFontSize and MolDrawOptions.maxFontSize
>>>>> properties, and if I set them to the same value then that sized font is
>>>>> used. But if I set max to a larger size than min then it's not clear what
>>>>> font size will be used.
>>>>> I'm wanting the font size to adapt to the amount the molecule is
>>>>> scaled to fit the space (larger molecules needing a smaller font) but I
>>>>> want the font size that is used to be a bit bigger than the default
>>>>> that would be used if I don't set anything.
>>>>> How do I go about this?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Tim
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>> David Cosgrove
>> Freelance computational chemistry and chemoinformatics developer

David Cosgrove
Freelance computational chemistry and chemoinformatics developer
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