
My PE is not required for the majority of work I do either, but I get a
considerable "edge" over my competition because I have invested the time
energy and went through the stress of taking the exam.  It is the same way
with NABCEP, I have shown that I am willing to take the time, energy and
stress to get the qualification.  I also appreciate the NABCEP taking the
time and effort to promote ME in their ads. After going through the time and
effort, it is good to get some tangible payback, and you want to take that
away from me, because you do not have the time to take the exam...give me a
break!  You have the right to run your business and promote it as you see
fit and so do I!  Does any qualification mean that you know everything, of
course not.  If any one of us think that, then we should get out of the
business.  Cause guess what, we are in a rapidly changing landscape where we
all are continually learning more and growing as an industry.  Otherwise
there would not be much use in this blog at all.  All an exam really means
is that you took the time, energy and stress to prepare for and take the
exam, which to me is a sign of professionalism.  It is about time our
industry grows up!  Is NABCEP perfect, of course not, but we all have the
opportunity to help to make this organization the best that it can be.  I
applaud the pioneers who had the vision and that were willing to invest the
considerable amount of time, energy and stress to pull it off.  If you can
do without it , more power to you, but don't whine to me about it being
unfair that we want to toot our horn about what we are trying to do for this

Bill Hoffer PE
NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installerâ„¢
Sunergy Engineering Services PLLC
2504 Columbia Ave NW
East Wenatchee WA 98802-3941 (509)470-7762
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