I am glad to see this issue with series strings being brought into the discussion.

At 11:53 -0600 3/6/11, Ray Walters wrote:
I've had single strings with equal current through each battery, but some batteries would be at 15.5 volts, while others next to it would be at 13. The charge controller shuts off when the sum of the voltages hits the bulk charge V, but meanwhile some cells are chronically overcharged or undercharged. (parallel strings no where to be seen)


At 15:10 -0300 3/6/11, James Surrette wrote:
If you hook up 4 x 12V monoblocks for a small 48VDC system and begin charging at 58.8V, total voltage will be 58.8V very quickly but individual battery voltage will not be 14.7V. Battery voltage will have a large range from 14 to almost 17V.

If you have 4 x 12V monoblocks, they will thrive much better connected in parallel than they will in series. The parallel strings discussion reappears regularly on this list, and always produces a chorus of disapproval, but I think the downsides are over-stated.

Most battery charging regimes are based on bringing the battery up to a specific voltage and holding the voltage there for a period of time. This can he achieved with perfect equality for strings of batteries in parallel. (Yes technically you may need to use bus-bars to get within millivolts of each other but to be honest who really knows the optimum absorption voltage that exactly, and does it matter?) So long as the battery as a whole gets up to and stays at the prescribed voltage for long enough, then all the parallel batteries will get charged according to the manufacturer's instructions.

With batteries in series I am finding that 48V systems are much harder to keep properly balanced than in the old days of 12V systems, since the current in one string is the same in every cell, whether it needs it or not. Yes you could put diversion load regulators on individual 12V batteries in the string, but given the way they are priced (by amps) you would end up spending four times as much on charge controllers.

To me the issues of unbalanced charging are much worse for batteries in series than they are for batteries in parallel. Now I will go and hide from the wrath of the list :-)

have fun,
Hugh Piggott

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