If you have any concerns or comments about this, please respond to me OFF LIST.

Just some reminders, folks. I've been wanting to send some of these for awhile. 
Now seemed a good time because there have been no messages for several days.

1. You MUST use the email address that is subscribed to the list, or else you 
will get a rejection from the list server. And all emails must be sent to the 
list server address of re-wrenches@[etc.].

2. Please chop down lengthy quoting when responding to posts. We've gotten a 
couple of complaints about this recently. Unless we do that, the messages just 
keep getting longer and longer.

3. If you are a manufacturer's representative, please only respond to posts 
about YOUR product, not others' products. It is OK to respond to general 
questions in areas where you are knowledgeable, but please do not promote your 
own products while doing so.

4. Do not post any leads, job possibilities, or help wanted to the list. Lots 
of other places for those.

5. If you are going on vacation or such, please put your Wrench list membership 
on hold until you get back. List members shouldn't be getting your "out of 
town" notification emails.

6. A reminder to not post off topic items. Here is my standard blurb about that:
a. Don't post jokes, thanks, news items, events, politics, marketing, or 
anything else that is off-topic.

b. Don't respond on-list to others' off topic posts.

c. Don't post items that are available for sale, either from you or from 

c2. From time to time people post items that they need but are having problems 
locating (like an older model PV module to replace a broken one), but these 
requests should be responded to off-list. And these requests should state 
within them, something like "if you have one, please contact me off list."

d. If you have a message that is intended for individuals that are on the list, 
don't send it to the whole list -- just send it to the individuals.

Thanks, Wrenches. You folks are GREAT!

List sponsored by Home Power magazine

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List-Archive: http://lists.re-wrenches.org/pipermail/re-wrenches-re-wrenches.org

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