Ray Johnson in Florida has done an excellent job documenting this fiasco on
his blow in the article below and several other articles.


e lost several jobs to this company in the past due to unsustainable low
competitive prices. I was sounding the alarm on this a couple of years ago
- I thought they were dumping product on the market to establish their
contracting/sales arm. It seems they were up to much more than that.

*Jason Szumlanski*

*Fafco Solar*

On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 11:16 AM, Nik Ponzio

> http://www.ul.com/global/eng/pages/newsroom/publicnotices/detail/index.jsp?cpath=/global/eng/pages/newsroom/publicnotices/detail/data/ul-warns-of-counterfeit-ul-mark-on-photovoltaic_20130415070000.xml
> UL warns of counterfeit UL Mark on photovoltaic panels (Release 13PN-20)
> *NORTHBROOK, IL - April 15, 2013 -* The following is a notification from
> UL to Authorities Having Jurisdiction, distributors, installers and users
> that the photovoltaic panels identified below bear counterfeit UL Marks for
> the United States and Canada . The photovoltaic (solar) panels have not
> been evaluated by UL to the appropriate Standards for Safety and it is
> unknown if these photovoltaic panels comply with UL's safety requirements
> for the United States or Canada.
> *Name of Product:*
> ASP - Advanced Solar Photonics (also known as Bluechip Energy)
> Models AP-240PK, AP-245MK and ASP-390M
> Note that ASP is a tradename for the parent company Bluechip Energy LLC
> *Identification:   **On the product:*   The products bear a counterfeit
> UL Mark and one of the markings shown below:
> Note that the labels include additional electrical rating information, but
> the values may differ from that shown in the photographs below.
> **
> *Photos of Product: *
> *                                                Photo of typical
> installation*
> * *
> *Counterfeit nameplate from Model AP-240PK*
> The nameplate label for Model AP-245MK is identical to the label above
> except for Model number and electrical ratings.
> **
> *Counterfeit nameplate from Model ASP-390M*
> * *
> *Sold at:  *Known to be sold by SunWorks Solar and may be sold by other
> distributors
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