I have a customer that is reading voltage with a non-RMS meter in the following scenario: 4000 watt Onan RV generator (older) at ~5500 foot elevation...its output is connected to the "AC in leg 1" of an OB VFX3648 using (customer installed, I came on this job after-the-fact) 10 gauge running about 75'. Genny fires up, feeds AC IN in VFX, sends about 1.7 KW to the batts, while also running moderate loads in house /another/ 75' away, again through 10 gauge.

She is complaining about the voltage reading ~95 volts at times in the house. Voltage at genny is still around 120 (I am told) I suggest up sizing wire to 6 gauge, which they do but voltage is still in the 105 V range in the house, same scenario. As the batts come up to charge and input tapers, voltage also comes up some. Shouldn't the voltages be read with an RMS type meter to be accurate? She thinks the inverter is not working right though I've tried to explain to her that in standby the inverter is not inverting, its just passing genny power through, unchanged other than the load its pulling to charge the batts.

Other insights to voltage drop in this case other than an RMS meter? Does it matter if the last loads are seeing just 105 volts?


Feather River Solar Electric
Bill Battagin, Owner
4291 Nelson St.
Taylorsville, CA 95983
CA Lic 874049

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