I've been dealing with a few customers with EMP concerns.  Just as we had to deal with the non-event of Y2K,  I think its extremely important to not exaggerate.  Saying that we will be back to the "Stone Age" is just not an accurate statement and contributes to the hype.  We've only had electronics for less than a century.  I think it might be more accurate to say we would be back to the 1950s, and that is definitely not the Stone Age. (maybe the Rolling Stones age?....)

When it comes to fear, misinformation, and hype, you are either part of the problem, or you are part of the solution.  I've spent time recently in places in Puerto Rico, where the grid has been down for over 9 months.  No cannibalism, no anarchy, no stone age.  Instead I saw neighbors helping each other, everyone trying to get by, but still remaining basically civil.  If we do have a big EMP event, we will deal with it and get back in action, in months, not centuries.

I always reiterate this fact: Electricity is not essential to Life.  (cue the collective gasps from my fellow electricians....) We might actually get off our stupid phones long enough to look around and enjoy ourselves too.

Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760

On 6/18/18 11:28 AM, Jerry Shafer wrote:
Hawaii was hit in the mid last century by a EMP, it took out most of Honolulu, this was a post war test and it did confirm what can happen. This was before micro electronics so if it happens we,re back to the stone ages.

On Mon, Jun 18, 2018, 10:21 AM <toddc...@finestplanet.com <mailto:toddc...@finestplanet.com>> wrote:

    inverters and charge controllers are another story.


    On Monday, June 18, 2018 10:10am, "Jerry Shafer"
    <jerrysgarag...@gmail.com <mailto:jerrysgarag...@gmail.com>> said:

    Consider distance first EMP's may damage the baypass diodes but
    per the testing we have submitted to the military there was no
    damage to the cells modules

    On Jun 18, 2018 10:01 AM, "Jeremy Rodriguez"
    <allsolarjer...@msn.com <mailto:allsolarjer...@msn.com>> wrote:

        I’ve done a quick search of the archives, but does anyone know
        of the the effects of an EMP PULSE on a module? We’ve got a
        potentially large project to look forward to, and one
        developer is very concerned

        Jeremy Rodriguez
        Solar installation / Design Expert
        All Solar, Inc.
        1463 M St
        Penrose Colorado 81240
        Sent by Jeremy's iPhone. Sorry for typos and shorthand.
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