Hey Folks,
Here in the Boonies of NE California one of my customers just had a fire (the Hog Fire) go through his property.  It spared his house but roasted the power shed.  I'll try to summarize: 2003 Outback FP2 (AC enclosure, 2 FXs,DC enclosure with related equipment), Classic 150 and 24V HUP Solar1 battery.  Roasted meaning the outside siding is ashes, the roof burned down to the charred rafters and some remaining drywall, the drywall that the FP2 was mounted to is all there.  The batteries are in an insulated plywood box all of which is 90% OK...Hydrocaps not melted, cables look fine, battery tops appear unaffected and took a charge from the GennyDeeCee.  Water was being applied to the outside of this structure during the event to reduce the damage and heat.

            Removing both AC and DC enclosure covers and the FX valve covers revealed nothing melted or even warped, if it wasn't a little darkened inside from smoke, you might not know what had happened, the lexan covers on the inverter's AC output landings are in perfect condition.  The HUB and Classic, were closest to the greatest heat and we're considering them cooked.

             Any experience with this before and what was discovered when firing the system back up?  Yes, naturally it's easy to say it should all be tossed and customer has to come up with $13,000+? for new equipment.  However this conclusion becomes more difficult in the face of not being covered by insurance, but we're listening to all comments.



Feather River Solar Electric
Bill Battagin, Owner
4291 Nelson St.
Taylorsville, CA 95983
CA Lic 874049

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