On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 8:50 AM, David A. Wheeler <dwhee...@dwheeler.com> wrote:
>> 2.  almkglor: treat QUOTE-whitespace the same as the symbol 'quote.
>> 2.1.  Pros:
>> 2.1.1.  Makes QUOTE etc. rules very very simple
>> 2.2. Cons:
>> 2.2.1.  The following syntax is no longer correct:
>> ..` let
>> ......\
>> ........,var ,val
>> ......,expr
>> As it gets translated to (quasiquote let (((unquote var) (unquote
>> val))) (unquote expr))
> ...
>> However, it could be argued that this is actually *clearer* - but we
>> do lose the vertical space, sadly.
> I don't like this alternative. Quote, quasiquote, and so on are really common 
> (especially quote!); creating situations where we have to have more blank 
> lines & more indentation for a common case sounds user-unfriendly.
> If you say:
> 'a b c
> that maps, reasonably enough, to ('a b c).
> But how can you quote the WHOLE list, if you already have it (a common text 
> modification)?  Creating a new line, and having to re-indent, seems painful.  
> The original SFRI had this as a special case; you can then say:
> ' a b c
> which then maps to '(a b c) which is really (quote (a b c)).
> Pros for '+space having a different meaning from no space:
> * Makes it easy to quote existing lists (or quasiquote, or whatever).
> * Consistent with SFRI.
> Cons:
> * Makes spec little longer
> * Thus, slightly more work to implement (but not much)
> We only need to implement this a few times, and we hope there will be a LOT 
> of code that uses it.  I think making the spec longer, but the result easier 
> to use, is worth it.  And staying consistent with the existing SFRI on this 
> point sounds like a good idea, too.

All right, let me clarify my position:

1.  ' followed directly by non-whitespace is treated the same as in
modern-expressions: 'f is (quote f)

2.  ' followed directly by whitespace is treated as the symbol quote:
' is just quote

So this:


and this:


are the same.

This simplifies the spec, but makes the following wrong:

' foo bar


(quote foo bar)

The more complicated current spec yields:

' foo bar


(quote (foo bar))

Both specs have:

'foo bar


((quote foo) bar)


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