On 7/19/12, David A. Wheeler <dwhee...@dwheeler.com> wrote:
> Alan Manuel Gloria:
>> Just when it's less than 2 weeks to spec freeze....
> :-).
>> I once had to code this expression:
>> force(car(force(unwrap-box(s))))
>> And it's ugly.
>> I could use I-expressions:
>> force
>> . car
>> . . force
>> . . . unwrap-box s
>> But that wastes precious vertical space.
>> So I propose the SUBLIST semantic.
> Hmm.  Function composition isn't unknown, of course, but I'm skeptical about
> how often this kind of construct occurs.  Every new rule has a mental cost;
> we need to make sure the cases are so common (or so egregious) that the
> construct is worth it.  Otherwise, people will reject it as being "too
> complicated" to learn.  The wrapped example you show above is actually how
> many other languages *would* show it.
> I also worry about using up one-character symbols; if we do anything like
> this, perhaps a multi-char symbol would do?  We could also pick a few
> symbols to "reserve" for cases like this; again, it's not so bad if we
> reserve multi-character symbols.

Well, we could define an o-function that does composition:

define o
    (f) f
    (f g)
      lambda parms
        f apply(g parms)
    (f g . rest)
      {{f o g} o apply(o rest)}

Then: {force o car o force o unwrap-box}(s)

(or use <*> or <.> or something less egregious than o, now that I look
at it, o looks ugly, eh?)

Of course, the lack of true currying means that a slight variant like:

  foo(bar(nitz quux(meow)))

Can't use a compose chain like o above.

  foo $ bar nitz $ quux meow

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