Am Sonntag, 10. Februar 2013, 20:48:29 schrieb Alan Manuel Gloria:
> Attached find a simple implementation (which does *not* handle
> comments, blank lines, and ":").

Wow, that’s cool!

The only parsing issue I spotted right away is that it appends a final opening 

I tried writing a python-based preprocessor, but that one uses multiple phases 
for preprocessing, since I always fumbled when I tried to wrap my mind around 
parsing indentation without aid… 

Best wishes,
1w6 sie zu achten,
sie alle zu finden,
in Spiele zu leiten
und sacht zu verbinden.
#!/usr/bin/env python3

class Line:
    def __init__(self, line):
        self.continues = line.lstrip().startswith(". ")
        if self.continues:
            self.content = line.lstrip()[2:].lstrip()
            self.content = line.lstrip()
        self.indent = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
        while self.content.startswith(": ") and self.content[2:].lstrip():
            self.indent += len(self.content) - len(self.content[2:].lstrip())
            self.content = self.content[2:].lstrip()
        if self.content.strip() == ":":
            self.content = ""

def wisp2lisp(code):
    """Turn wisp code to lisp code."""
    # first get rid of linebreaks in strings
    instring = False
    nostringbreaks = []
    for char in code:
        if char == '"':
            instring = not instring
        if instring and char == "\n":
    code = "".join(nostringbreaks)
    # now read the indentation
    lines = []
    for line in code.splitlines():

    # finally emit matching lisp code
    # write into the lisp lines with a delay of 1 line
    lisplines = []
    levels = []
    prev = lines[0]
    if not prev.continues:
        prev.content = "(" + prev.content
    for line in lines[1:]:
        # continuing lines do not get a leading bracket.
        if not line.continues:
            line.content = "(" + line.content
        # rising indent: sibling function or variable
        if line.indent > prev.indent:
            lisplines.append(prev.indent * " " + prev.content)
        # same indent: neighbour function of variable: close the previour lines bracket
        if line.indent == prev.indent:
            lisplines.append(prev.indent * " " + prev.content + ")")
        # lower indent: parent funtion or variable. Find the number of brackets to close
        if prev.indent > line.indent:
            bracketstoclose = len([level for level in levels if level >= line.indent])
            levels = levels[:-bracketstoclose + 1]
            if prev.continues:
                bracketstoclose -= 1
            lisplines.append(prev.indent * " " + prev.content + ")" * bracketstoclose)
        prev = line
    lisplines.append(prev.indent * " " + prev.content + ")" * (len(levels)))
    return "\n".join(lisplines)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open("example.w") as f:
        wisp =

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