Jani Pirkola wrote:
> isn't it possible to send http get requests from python directly? Or 
> at least open tcp socket and write the get request there? What do I 
> need to do to enable needed libraries, ie does python in rex work as 
> it was any python environment?

the python standard library is included.

but it is ironpython,
which means you can't use c written python modules,
(though there is a project called ironclad to allow that,
some sort of wrapper i guess)

but you can use any .net libs normally,
and i guess within opensim the sensible thing to do is
the same that you would do in a region mod using c#,
just in python

though i think just using the standard python urllib for it would work too,
if/as ironpython has implemented all the base types (like socket) so 
that it works
(they would have done that using the .net things for opening network 
connections etc i guess,
or some existing http impl)

there is some http lib in opensim, right?

> Jani


> 2009/4/8 Toni Alatalo <ant...@kyperjokki.fi <mailto:ant...@kyperjokki.fi>>
>     zeshu wrote:
>     > I have some data on a php web page.Now i need that data in
>     realXtend.i
>     > checked two methods in LSL one is httprequest and XML-RPC.How i can
>     > use these functions in Python.
>     >
>     are they exposed in the rexscript system? basically it always
>     calls the
>     opensim scripting api,
>     i.e. is same as the lsl impls.
>     i think you can also use any .net library that your system has
>     installed
>     on your server,
>     similarily to how use in it c# but just within ironpython (which
>     rexscript uses).
>     ~Toni
> >


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