Is this based on the Second Life viewer code? If
so, where can the source code be downloaded?

- kripken

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 10:57 PM, Gustavo Alberto Navarro
Bilbao<> wrote:
> I've just test it and is really interesting. The plugin bring us the
> possibility og login in opensim/realxtend fron firefox or ie, and the new
> 1.1 version is now launched.
> If you have a good level in japanese, can download the plugin for your
> viewer from here:
> In other case, If you just want to try the viewer out, you can head to this
> page:
> If you download the developper kit from here:
> and unziped it, you are
> going to find the plugins for the viewer, and, after install them, you can
> use the index.html to start the login box.
> Don't load the avatar, only the usual cloud, but is really a very
> interesting option with great future.
> Albert
> >


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