> Hi,
> I'm working with the realxtend viewer code version 0.4 and want to
> make it accepting text files for upload. It already works so far, the
> filename is shown in the inventory, but it is put in a "new folder"
> and has this little icon like a texture before the name. Also while
> uploading, there appears a popup window like it is shown when
> uploading a texture. So my feeling is, the *.txt files are treated
> like textures and I have no idea how to fix it.

can't help you very specifically because can't look at the old viewer code
any more to avoid GPL pollution :) But anyway, look for comments like
// reX
to see where stuff has been added, and where the non-Linden assettypes
such as meshes are referred to. There are quite many of them.

You also have to make the server recognize the asset type, because in a
CAPS asset upload, the client sends a text string for the assettype (for
example "ogremesh" for the meshes) and the server decides the asset &
inventory type from that. As far as I remember, the default for
unrecognized asset types is to treat them like textures.

- Lasse / realXtend developer


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