Mikko Pallari kirjoitti:
> As was discussed earlier, we are moving our viewer svn from 
> dev.realxtend.org <http://dev.realxtend.org> to google code project. 
> New location of the source will be at 
> http://code.google.com/p/realxtend-naali/

Not all of the discussions have been on the mailing lists so to clarify 
a bit: we're not happy with the hosting that have (and pay for) for 
dev.realxtend.org, which should be working now till 25th but that is to 
be cut off then, so we need to have the code somewhere else. We are 
happy to use any normal reliable public place like open source projects 
usually (given the latency and thruput to our remote location here at 
the edge of the known world from there is ok too).

However, we haven't decided yet what to use for version control and 
ticket/milestones etc. We demoed what have done this year yesterday, and 
were lucky to be able to work without interruptions to complete features 
and fix bugs using the old server till that. But we haven't had time to 
evaluate hosting options and version control systems.

There is some time for research and to organize future work etc. in 
early January when work continues at full steam, then we'll decide what 
to use for code hosting and related services. Current candidates and 
arguments for/against them include:

* google code, using svn or hg
 + simplicity (of the layout)

* github
 + git support :) .. i've no clue what it is even otherwise, have just 
pulled from there sometimes.

* assembla
 + has it all: svn, hg(?), git
 + own stuff for all kinds of project stuff (and a nice rest api that 
would help in rex integration, i.e. to have worlds show project state etc)
 + trac
 - possibly bloated ui, we don't know yet whether there is a way to 
config it to something simple and nice (perhaps it is when use use trac?)

* anything else that works and is good, no one here really cares that 
much as long as it serves. from seeing how the ipython project uses 
launchpad and bzr that has seemed good too.

Opinions, recommendations and hints are welcome - I'll probably take 
some time to test things (like git and hg - perhaps make a patch to 
opensim using git, and a patch to circuits (the component system in 
Naali for py plugins) using mercurial which it uses) in early Jan .. am 
afraid that will be overwhelmed with other things too so hopefully 
someone else has better changes to focus on these things then.

Oh thanks a bunch Mikko for taking care that our code is at least 
somewhere! (and release bundles)

> Mikko Pallari

running around for xmas things,


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