
*> **Do you know what may generate a "18:41:49 - [AUTHENTICATION SERVICE]:*
*> Failed creating XmlRpcRequest" message?*

The problem that you are having is that your router doesn't support NAT
loopback (definitely DNS related).

*> If your router doesn't support the NAT loopback, then one option to
enable it *
*> would be to create DNS name for your servers WAN address and add that
*> entry to your hosts file with local IP address.*

I have internal DNS servers, so I simply just added the correct DNS entries.
 Another option would be to modify your local hosts file on machines in your
internal network.

If you could please take the time to document all this (clearly) step by
step, and update the WIKI pages, that really would be fantastic.  I know
we've gone over this issue quite a few times, and I've talked a few people
through how to fix it, but often times a few months will go by and we begin
to forget how we even got things to work.  ;-)

Yes, I believe Mikko is the one that even helped me with that flag issue,
but please take the time to document all that in the WIKI pages.

I believe Paul Fishwick made some extremely good points in many of his
e-mails regarding the Authentication server (and the problems with it), but
I really wish that RealXtend didn't use an e-mail address for the login, and
that a simple text login and password (like the current OpenSim login &
password) could possibly be used.  The Authentication Server definitely
needs a bit of work, to address this issue (and to address some of the other
issues that Paul has pointed out, to fix the authentication problem

As per Paul's response:

> By setting CheckSessionHash = false, does this mean that

>no authentication is occurring?

I do believe that the flag that Mikko added does in fact bypass the
RealXtend authentication server (and the simulator doesn't confirm
that a user is who they are).  As you are setting your server up, if
you could please document all of this in the WIKI pages, and also make
a side comment/note in the WIKI pages (with a warning) just to alert
other uses to this.  It's extremely helpful to others (that follow) if
you can properly document the issues that you are facing (and document
the solutions) and add everything to a nice step-by-step tutorial in
the WIKI pages.

> If there is a bug in authentication server, is there a separate

> tracker for that project?

The bug tracker for the old authentication server is located here:
I really do wish that a RealXtend 0.6 would be released, that would include
the latest OpenSim 0.7 and many of the latest OpenSim bug fixes, as well as
Mega regions, a working Grid mode, and with multiple regions working behind

These are all "issues" that RealXtend 0.5 is currently facing.  Would be
nice if we had a RealXtend 0.6 that would use the latest 0.7 OpenSim
version, and include all the latest OpenSim bug fixes, and it would be nice
to have a RealXtend 0.6 that would fix these issues (with multi-region
support behind NAT, a working Grid mode, add Mega regions support, and
include all the latest OpenSim bug fixes).

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 2:01 AM, ates akaydin <> wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> Thanks a lot for your response... I have no more than intermediate
> knowledge on networking. I have my BS in Computer Science yes but I have
> mostly worked on GPU programming and graphics so far. So the topic is still
> a bit confusing to me...
> However I ll check the Authentication and OpenSim source codes in next week
> and see if I can fix the problem on server side. If I can find a proper fix
> I ll surely share it with the group and will prepare a tutorial for
> configuration.
> Best Regards and Thanks for your consideration,
> Ates Akaydin

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