Yes I just thought it was a nice coincidence with Lasse's post on the dev
list only moments earlier. As Toni said the server side hasn't really been
tested in grid mode, Mikko Pallari probably knows the situation best.
Unfortunately I would of course like to see the Naali viewer used as much as
possible and there the grid mode (or any multiregion implementation) would
still require a bit of work. The current development companies haven't been
very interested in multiregion mode, so I think this would be a very good
place for someone to step in and help a bit.

2010/2/1 Toni Alatalo <>

> Antti Ilomäki kirjoitti:
>  I wonder if you noticed Lasse's post on the realXtend-dev list? He has
>> been researching grid mode and has a fairly good idea on what it would take
>> to have grid mode working. Mikko Pallari also knows a lot about the server
>> side.
> Note though that the post there was about client side work for the new
> viewer, Naali - whereas here I understood the question was more about server
> side.
> At least in this experiment modrex worked in grid mode enough so that a rex
> region could be added to OSGrid, .
> Note that many of the issues discussed in that article are about grids where
> you have vanilla opensim and rex mixed, those probs afaik don't exist when
> using a rex only grid.
> That said, we haven't used grid mode much at all with the dev companies
> here, haven't had the need really yet (teleporting from a server to another
> doesn't seem that bad often, though certainly the seamless crossings in
> grids are nice and something we want eventually too).
> ~Toni
>  2010/2/1 Denis Tarasov < <>>
>>    Dear All,
>>    We have an idea of developing university-based 3D educational/science
>>    portal using realxtend technology. We have done extensive testing on
>>    standalone configuration and found that  current feature set and
>>    stability is more or less adequate for our purposes.
>>    However we afraid that this solution would not scale up to many users
>>    in the future. Is it true that nor realxtend 0.5 nor taiga server set
>>    is not capable of running in grid mode? If yes, is there any
>>    perspectives for getting this feature working?
>>    Could we help developing grid mode and other essential features? We
>>    can't provide any funds for the moment, but we have large server
>>    facility that we can provide for developers for testing purposes, we
>>    can run stress-tests with many users connecting simultaneously.
>>    Best regards,
>>    Denis Tarasov
>>    Joint Supercomputer Center, Kazan Branch,
>>    Russian Federation
>>    --
>> --
> --


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