
What is the status of ModRex?  Could we get the latest ModRex updated so
that it's fully working with the latest OpenSim 0.7 RC?  (then release a
"modrex-rc3" module to correspond with the latest OpenSim 0.7 RC?

Then begin to update Taiga so that it can work fully with the latest OpenSim
0.7 RC (with ROBUST), and the updated ModRex-rc0.3 module.  That way we have
an updated RealXtend (with all the latest OpenSim bug fixes, and the latest
ROBUST architecture).

Then release a RealXtend 0.6 RC (based on the OpenSim 0.7RC + ModRex-0.3rc +
updated Taiga + updated Naali Viewer 0.2).

*> RealXtend 0.6 release with the latest OpenSim bug fixes, and *
*> working Mega region support and working multi-region support *
*> behind NAT.**
Then once RealXtend 0.6 RC is released (based on OpenSim 0.7) then use this
as the basis for getting Grid & mega and multi-region support fully working
in RealXtend.

At this point, Denis (and the 2-3 new Russian developers) can begin writing
a new "ModRexAuth" module for OpenSim 0.7RC (that has the latest ROBUST
server hooks) to handle the realXtend/Taiga logins for Grid mode.

The Russian team can also work on some bug fixes (Grid, multi-region, and
mega-region fully working and tested).

Then Lasse can maybe help with the client side changes (Naali Viewer 0.3)
that would be necessary, and then release a RealXtend 0.7 RC (based on
OpenSim 0.7 RC + ModRex-rc0.3 + latest updated Taiga + Naali Viewer 0.3).

This way we could have a RealXtend 0.7 RC release (hopefully fairly soon)
that will have a fully working RealXtend 0.7 that is based on OpenSim 0.7 RC
architecture, and have working grid mode, working grid auth and
mega/multi-region support.

Then once RealXtend 0.7 RC is released, we can try to keep RealXtend updated
regularly (on a once a month basis) just to keep RealXtend in-line with the
latest OpenSim big fixes and patches.

This way we can narrow the gap between OpenSim and RealXtend and when
OpenSim 0.8 RC is released we can have a RealXtend 0.8 RC within a few days
after OpenSim releasing their 0.8 RC.

This would also give documenters time to get documentation done for BOTH
releases at the same time (since RealXtend 0.8 would be based completely on
OpenSim 0.8 architecture) so we'd only have to add maybe 4 additional
chapters to the updated OpenSim Manual (one for ModRex, one for
ModRexPython, one for ModRexAuth, and one for Taiga server).

This way we can release User Manuals, System Administrator Manuals, and
Scripting Guides (for LSL/OSSL/ModRexPython) and updated documentation for
BOTH OpenSim and RealXtend releases (at the same time).

I don't mind working on documentation and tutorials, but so much has changed
with OpenSim 0.7 RC, and there is a large gap between RealXtend and OpenSim
right now that I would like to see narrowed, so that RealXtend is running
the latest OpenSim 0.7 RC (and all the latest fixes and ROBUST


On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 11:47 PM, Mark Malewski <>wrote:

> Antti,
> We've been in discussion about trying to get "grid mode" working, but at
> the same time we'd like to make sure that RealXtend is based on the latest
> OpenSim 0.7 RC (with ROBUST) before we move forward with getting grid mode
> working (since a LOT of changes have been made in OpenSim architecture with
> the latest OpenSim 0.7 RC & ROBUST).
> So our thoughts are on getting the ModRex module fully updated (first) to
> work with the latest OpenSim 0.7RC (step one).
> Step 1 - Update ModRex so it works with the latest OpenSim 0.7 (with
> ROBUST).  [Possibly create a "modrex-rc3" that works with the latest OpenSim
> 0.7 RC]
> Step 2 - Update Taiga (as needed) so it fully works with the latest OpenSim
> 0.7 RC + updated ModRex 0.3-rc.
> Step 3 - Release a "RealXtend 0.6 RC" to the Community (based on OpenSim
> 0.7 RC + ModRex 0.3rc + updated Taiga).
> Step 4 - Using the latest server hooks in ROBUST (based on the latest
> OpenSim 0.7 RC) create a new "ModRexAuth" module to handle the realXtend
> logins with OpenSim 0.7 RC + ModRex 0.3 + latest Taiga.
> Step 5 - Make any changes to Taiga that would be necessary to communicate
> with the "ModRexAuth" module.
> Step 6 - Make any changes necessary with the new Naali Viewer.
> Step 7 - Fully test Grid Mode, and multi-region support.
> Step 8 - Release a "Naali Viewer 0.2" (based on the changes & updates made
> to Naali to support Grid and multi-region modes).
> Step 9 - Release a "RealXtend 0.7 RC" based on the OpenSim 0.7 RC + ModRex
> 0.3 + Naali 0.2 Viewer.
> This would do many things, it would get RealXtend "updated" so that it's
> based on the latest OpenSim 0.7 RC architecture (with ROBUST), and it would
> integrate all the latest updates and fixes. It would also draw us closer to
> having RealXtend's releases closer in-line with OpenSim's release schedule
> (RealXtend 0.7RC based on OpenSim 0.7 RC architecture).
> This way users will understand that RealXtend 0.7 uses the OpenSim 0.7 core
> architecture.
> Hopefully this way we can release RealXtend updates (regularly) to keep
> RealXtend and OpenSim release dates much closer together.  Hopefully as
> Naali Viewer matures, and rapidly evolves it can eventually catch up to the
> OpenSim 0.8 RC, and become a part of "RealXtend 0.8 + Naali Viewer 0.8"
> (this way users know to use the latest Naali Viewer 0.8 with RealXtend 0.8,
> which is based on the latest OpenSim 0.8 core).
> The reasons for all this, are multi-purpose.  First, it makes things easier
> to understand (for new users) and it also makes documentation much easier,
> since we can update the wiki pages and release documentation (and tutorials)
> to both sites at the same time (OpenSim and RealXtend).  Right now there is
> a big lag between RealXtend and OpenSim, and the release schedules are quite
> different, and often based on different releases (RealXtend 0.5 based on
> OpenSim 0.6, etc.)
> As we move closer to a OpenSim 0.8 release (and realXtend 0.8 release), I
> hope that we can get a RealXtend 0.8 release pushed out about 2-3 weeks
> behind OpenSim 0.8 RC with documentation (and a preliminary User Manual &
> updated tutorials for both OpenSim 0.8RC and RealXtend 0.8).
> I would like to have a full "User Guide" manual, and a "Systems
> Administrator Guide" manual available by the OpenSim 0.9 and RealXtend 0.9
> releases.
> The biggest hurdle with documentation and testing, is the differences in
> core architecture between the latest OpenSim and latest RealXtend.
>  (Documenters can't simply cut & paste between the two wiki pages, since the
> cores are different versions and many changes have been implemented since
> ROBUST and OpenSim 0.7 RC).
> So I'd really like to see RealXtend get updated to a "RealXtend 0.6 RC"
> (based on OpenSim 0.7 core + ModRex 0.3-rc + updated Taiga + updated Naali
> Viewer 0.2)
> Then see a "RealXtend 0.7 RC" (based on OpenSim 0.7 RC core + ModRex 0.3-rc
> + ModRexAuth 0.1 + updated Taiga + updated Naali 0.3 Viewer)
> Then I hope we can keep RealXtend consistently updated (with incremental
> updates once a quarter or even monthly) after RealXtend 0.7RC, so that by
> the time OpenSim 0.8 RC is ready, that RealXtend 0.8 RC can be released
> about 2-3 weeks after OpenSim 0.8 RC is released.
> This way we (the testing & documentation team) can have the OpenSim and
> RealXtend wiki pages updated and have the user documentation updated (and
> tutorials updated) all at the same time.
> 2010/2/10 Antti Ilomäki <>
> Grid mode would be interesting, I know many of our users would like to have
>> it. Especially of course with the new Naali viewer, Lasse has been doing
>> some research on the clientside. It's always a matter of priorities and we
>> have quite a few important things on the table. If the Russians or anyone
>> for that matter can help, it would speed things up a bit.
>> 2010/2/7 Mark Malewski <>
>>>  Antti,
>>> From what I understand, OpenSim 0.7 stable is about to be released soon,
>>> and Naali 0.1 Viewer is out, so does that mean a RealXtend 0.6 stable
>>> release with all the latest OpenSim bug fixes, and ROBUST should be getting
>>> released fairly soon?
>>> Any details as to what fixes will be included in RealXtend 0.6?  With the
>>> 3 additional developers (from Russia), do you think we could get working
>>> Mega region support, working Grid and a fully working multi-region support
>>> behind NAT added to the RealXtend 0.6 release?
>>>             Mark
>>> 2010/1/8 Antti Ilomäki <>
>>>> We will be making a new server release once we get Naali 0.1 out. The
>>>> features in the next server release aren't yet finalized.
>>>> 2010/1/8 Mark Malewski <>
>>>> One a sidenote, are there any plans to release a RealXtend 0.6 release
>>>>> (with the latest updated OpenSim 0.7 stable + ModRex, and with all the
>>>>> latest OpenSim bug fixes, and with Mega Region support, and with a working
>>>>> multi-region support behind NAT?)
>>>>> I believe RealXtend 0.5 is already 6+ months old, it really would be
>>>>> great to just see a RealXtend 0.6 release with the latest OpenSim bug 
>>>>> fixes,
>>>>> and working Mega region support and working multi-region support behind 
>>>>> NAT.
>>>>> Multi-region support behind NAT would be one of the more important
>>>>> features, but a working Grid mode would be nice as well.  ;-)
>>>>>  --
>>  --


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