
As Jonne has stated:

*> **please add feature request to google code repo*

Just to clarify and be a bit more specific... you can click on the link
below, and make a feature request.


Please start your new "issue" with "[Feature Request] Please Add the ability
to change shortcut keys"  (or something of that nature) as the subject/issue

Then write a detailed description of what you would like to see added to
Naali.  (Please be reasonable, but be as detailed and specific as possible).

<http://code.google.com/p/realxtend-naali/issues/list>Depending on the
number of hours it would take to do, and depending on how hard it would be
to implement, and also depending on the amount of resources available
(whether we have extra developers, etc.) and depending on the number of
requests (or even the priority) for a particular feature it could be
implemented fairly quickly, or it may not even be implemented at all.

It really depends on the amount of resources it would take to do what you
are asking, and it boils down to time (and resources).  Developers have a
long list of things that they need to get done and your request may be a
pretty "low priority" request.  So it may (or may not) ever get done.

There are several things you can do to "fix" this.  You can either volunteer
to add this feature yourself (if you are a programmer).  Or you can find
some programmers that would be willing to volunteer their time to implement
this new feature request, you can hire a programmer to do the work for you
(contract for hire) to implement the feature into Naali, or you can simply
post your feature request and wish (or hope) that maybe it might eventually

Again, it all boils down to priority, and the amount of resources that it
would take to implement.  It may happen, it may not happen.  If it's
something fairly easy to do, then maybe it might happen.  Jonne would know
MUCH more than I would, whether this is an "easy to do" request or even the
likelihood of something like this being added or implemented in a future

So view the feature requests as a "wish list" or a "dream sheet" and then
don't get mad if it doesn't happen according to YOUR own personal schedule.
 It could take weeks, months, or even years (or it may not even happen at
all, depending on how hard it would be to do).

Another option (if it really means that much to you) is to hire a programmer
(some programmers are "for sale") and see if they'd be willing to implement
the features that you are specifically asking for.

It happens, I've seen individuals that do work (for hire).  I believe Adam
Frisby, and some of the other developers sometimes do work on a contract
basis.  So if this is something you REALLY want (and you want it "now") then
consider talking to one of the developers, or possibly contracting to have
someone add this specific feature for you.

If you can live without, and are simply just making a simple "this would be
really cool or nice to have..." feature request, then maybe a developer will
add this to the project "To Do List" but it may end up being a pretty low
priority task.

Just learn to accept this, and learn to be patient.  I've spent almost a
year and a half watching several features that I have requested over the
years slowly get added, and I'll probably be waiting another year (or even
two or maybe even three) before other features (such as Hydrax, Caelum, or
SkyX) get implemented.  It takes time.

All you can do is make a suggestion, and depending on how hard it would be
to implement, and depending on the resources available (how many developers
there are and whether a developer has the time to dedicate to adding this
feature).  So just make the feature request, and learn to be patient.

The best thing you can possibly do, is try to find one or two extra
developers, and try to get them to join or help the project (by volunteering
their time to help the core developers with writing code and implementing
some of these additional features into the code base).

In the meantime, you can either hire a developer (on a contract basis), or
you can learn to use a keymapper.  ;-)

Make your feature request here:


<http://code.google.com/p/realxtend-naali/issues/list>The team will probably
look your request over, and it may get brought up during a discussion, and
it possibly could get added to a future feature list.  Jonne would probably
know much more about this than I would, and some of the other core Naali
dev's could probably tell you better whether this feature is likely to
happen (or not).

I hope this helps, and please understand that Naali is a VERY VERY young
project, and it's still in the PRE-Alpha stages.  Just 2-3 months ago, I
never would have even dreamed that Naali would even be where it is today.  A
year ago, Naali didn't even exist.

So just be patient, and slowly we all hope that Naali will evolve into the
"de facto" viewer for RealXtend, OpenSim, and possibly even Second Life.

The ReX crew have done some extremely amazing things, and just by looking at
the work performed on Naali, it's quite impressive, and very innovative.
 All you can do is be patient, and learn to buy beer.

Try to send Jonne a case of his favorite beer (or favorite beverage) once a
week, and maybe you'll end up with a "configurable" key mapper in a future
version of Naali.  ;-)

*> I am using Realxtend viewer (0.42)*

This is an old viewer (based on the old legacy SL viewer) and it's highly
unlikely that development will ever continue on this old 0.42 viewer
platform.  Naali is the future, and almost all development efforts are going
into Naali.  So any features that you request, will likely only be offered
in a future version of Naali.

Again, I hope this helps...


On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 9:36 AM, Edwige Lelievre - ENER lab <
edwige.lelie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This definitely helps ! Thank you both :)
> Right now, I am using Realxtend viewer (0.42) and Naali (always
> testing everything ;) )
> I know the shortcuts keys, but I don't like them so I definitively
> will make a feature request to have this possibility on Naali :) (I
> actually think that anyone should have the possibility to change it,
> because everyone has different habits :) )
> The feature request is to add something in the bug tracker, or there
> is another way ?
> Edwige
> On 23 fév, 10:35, Mark Malewski <mark.malew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Edwige,
> >
> > *> I searched the web, but found nothing about modifying *
> > *> controls in second life or opensim. I really would like to*
> > *> choose the keyboard mapping in Realxtend*
> >
> > What viewer are you currently using?  Are you using Naali or are you
> using a
> > "second life" based viewer (Hippo, Emerald, Meerkat, S16, RealXtend
> viewer,
> > or any of Kirstenlee's flavor of viewers?)
> >
> > I'm assuming that you mean "keyboard mapping" (and not "modifying
> controls")
> > but either way, this is a viewer issue, not a "second life" or "open sim"
> > issue.  So it really depends on what viewer you are using.
> >
> > Are you using a "second life" based viewer, or are you using Naali?
> >
> > I'm not sure if you're referring to keyboard shortcut keys, but here is a
> > list of shortcut keys for most second-life based viewers:
> >
> > http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/All_keyboard_shortcut_keys
> >
> > There are quickstart guides, and "cheat sheets" available if you need
> help:
> >
> > http://www.scribd.com/doc/14427744/Second-Life-Quickstart-Guide
> >
> > Here's a cheat sheet:
> >
> > http://www.scribd.com/doc/22032366/Second-Life-Viewer-Cheatsheet
> >
> > Here are the keyboard shortcuts for the various platforms:
> >
> > http://www.scribd.com/doc/10047280/Keyboard-Shortcuts
> >
> > If you really truly want to "remap" the shortcut keys, then you can just
> use
> > something like "KeyTweak" (a keyboard remapper).  You can just configure
> it
> > any way that you like, and then simply turn it on and off when you are
> using
> > the viewer.
> >
> > http://vlaurie.com/computers2/Articles/remap-keyboard.htm
> >
> > You can download "KeyTweak" here:
> >
> > http://webpages.charter.net/krumsick/
> >
> > Please post any further questions regarding "KeyTweak" or any other
> > third-party software application to the specific authors of that
> key-mapping
> > software.
> >
> > If you need help with KeyTweak the user manual can be found here:
> >
> > http://webpages.charter.net/krumsick/KeyTweak%20Manual.pdf
> >
> > The author's email address is "zxcvbnm6...@yahoo.com" and his name is
> Travis
> > Krumsick, and you can ask him any specific questions regarding his
> software
> > directly to him.
> >
> > Just do a simple google search on "how to remap keyboard keys" or just
> click
> > on the link below, and there should be quite a few pages on how to do it
> in
> > Windows, Linux, or whatever operating system that you are using:
> >
> > http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=how+to+remap+keyboard+...
> >
> > There's a good list of keyboard re-mapping software here:
> >
> > http://vlaurie.com/computers2/Articles/remap-keyboard.htm
> >
> > As far as Naali is concerned, I haven't seen this feature on the roadmap,
> > but Jonne would certainly know MUCH better than I would (as to what
> features
> > will or won't be implemented in Naali).  As Jonne has stated, Naali may
> > eventually have controls/shortcut keys as changeable (or configurable)
> but
> > it could be a while before this feature is added or done.  All you can do
> is
> > make a feature request, and wait patiently to see if it's implemented in
> a
> > future release.  In the meantime you can probably use a keyboard
> re-mapper
> > for the time being if it's really bothering you.  I hope this helps.
> >
> >                     Mark
> >
> > On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 3:38 PM, Edwige Lelievre - ENER lab <
> >
> >
> >
> > edwige.lelie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi everyone,
> >
> > > I searched the web, but found nothing about modifying controls in
> > > second life or opensim. I really would like to choose the keyboard
> > > mapping in Realxtend (for instance, object editing controls are just
> > > annoying for someone used to Maya and 3DS controls). Any Idea ?
> >
> > > Edwige
> >
> > > --
> > >http://groups.google.com/group/realxtend
> > >http://www.realxtend.org
> --
> http://groups.google.com/group/realxtend
> http://www.realxtend.org


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