Thank you for the reply,
sorry i can't found the other post or it was created in same time as
this one.

but my problem is i can't use scene upload because python isn't
working with blender here.

so i actually do more simple things just upload .mesh and .material by
hands for be ready when i have resolved this python problem.

for more details the .material script is :
material maya
        receive_shadows on
                        ambient 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000 1.000000
                        diffuse 0.639857 0.497667 0.396102 1.000000
                        specular 0.137832 0.137832 0.137832 1.000000 43.250000
                        emissive 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

now it's time to add a texture.
ok so i copy paste an example i found on another file :
                                texture_alias 0
                                texture example.JPG  <<<--- here i put of 
course the name of my
texture this is only an example

result is done like this :

material maya
        receive_shadows on
                        ambient 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000 1.000000
                        diffuse 0.639857 0.497667 0.396102 1.000000
                        specular 0.137832 0.137832 0.137832 1.000000 43.250000
                        emissive 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

                                texture_alias 0
                                texture example.JPG

and this is the mesh preview :
(don't pay attention to the mesh previewer it's work 10% of time here)

without texture:

with texture:

of course with this texture it's not really good it was just for
example but it's not showed on Naali, it's still badly grey...

so that's due because OGRE can't found it (right?) it's must be placed
on the right directory no?

so it's c:/name_ were_naali_is/media or another one?

any idea?


On 5 oct, 22:32, Gustavo Alberto Navarro Bilbao
<> wrote:
> Well, I've just told to Felipe in other post, about the "scene" files and
> the materials.
> A option is to use the "upload scene" , and the material file to manage the
> textures associated.
> Alberto
> *********************************************************************************
> 2010/10/5 MasterJ <>
> > hello to all,
> > sorry for the *subject* i don't know how to explain correctly.
> > Ok actually i have some Python error for exporting scene with Blender
> > and i can't use the démo of 3dsmax ogremax don't want to allow me to
> > click on a 3ds max version (the demo is not listed).
> > so ok i just made some mesh with blender it's work perfect with Naali.
> > i have look inside material files for see how it's work with textures.
> > so it's not complicated but i need help with that then after i can use
> > this help with the material wizzard In-world :).
> > ok i want apply a texture on my mesh actually i just need 1 *tab* on
> > material the mesh is *1 object*.
> > for better understanding. the file use only 1 material.
> > the file is named maya.mesh it's a maya pyramide.
> > the material script actually have no texture but i know how to add
> > one. i just copy paste the line on anotehr script and mod the file i
> > need to apply.
> > ok but hmmm how it's work for Naali? because of course the texture is
> > not in same directory as the .material file said. were i must to put
> > my textures files for see them on Naali?.
> > i need help with that because same thing with appearance of avatar is
> > showing, when i put an attachement (.mesh) on my avatar of course the
> > texture are not *added* and not showed.
> > anyone have an idea?
> > greetings,
> > MasterJ
> > --
> >
> >


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