Naali uses OGRE rendering, which has been optimized for game-style
scenes with fewer more complex objects, 12 000 prims is probably quite
a challenge for the renderer. Lasse did research on the subject
earlier this year, but we haven't really had the time for programming
the optimizations. Everyone working on the code currently seems to
prefer the usual game-like content creation style, so there hasn't
been a lot of interest in prim optimizations so far.

It would be great if Naali worked better in prim-heavy situations,
though, and if you could help us or know someone who could, we would
welcome your contribution with open arms. We can dig up Lasse's
research results for anyone willing to have a go at the work.

2010/10/6 fishwick <>:
> Whenever I have tried Naali on my local Opensim machine (about
> 12,000 prims), Naali takes considerable time to load the assets
> and then crashes about 1/2 - 3/4 of the way through.  I haven't
> use it that much but every once and a while when there is a new
> version, I give it a go but always with the same results, so not
> sure about the problem. The OpenSim server is on Ubuntu Linux
> and the Naali viewer is running on Windows 7.
> Is there a logfile that I should post? My primary viewer has
> been Kirsten's viewer, which has shadows, so I use that as a
> basis for comparison w/ Naali. The other alternative is if one of your
> development team wants to try logging into my server, we can
> chat offline about the specifics.
> -p
> On 10/06/2010 01:20 PM, Antti Ilomäki wrote:
>> The devs are still busy fixing issues with the next release. It should
>> be out later this week or next week.
>> 2010/10/6 john felipe urrego mejia<>:
>>> Hi, I remember you had mentioned that this week is libreraria version
>>> 0.3.2
>>> of naali, personally I am waiting to try it on XP and that I leave the
>>> error. dmp
>>> --
> --


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