It seems that there's something interesting going on now at

2010/10/29 Toni Alatalo <>:
> Hi,
> we'll present Pablo's b2rex today at the Blender conference. There are
> nice screenshots of Naali showing objects with complex materials and
> scenes with shadows etc. in the Pablo's slides:
>  .
> I got to finally test the tool yesterday here with him and it's
> awesome :) Can edit the full scene in Blender, publish it once to modrex
> with a press of a simple button, then move some object, press the update
> button again, and the object moves immediately to the new place on the
> server .. and brings the materials correctly for the rex SuperShader.
> Uses the same dotscene exports as the current realXtend things in
> releases, but has a nice simple one-click UI for the whole export
> meshes, the scene, and send to server -hurdle. And when assets haven't
> changed, but just positions in the scene etc., updating the changed
> scene is quick. It generates the UUIDs in Blender, and keeps them stored
> in custom properties in Blender, so the opensim metadata that Blender
> created is saved in the .blend files and updating changes afterwards
> works.
> I applied the b2rex patch needed on the server side it to the Taiga that
> had been using locally and it went ok, but now that tried to redo after
> updated to current modrex master got some conflicts .. but probably not
> too complex to solve, we'll have a look.
> We also looked at implementing it to the Naali http service (which now
> does REST to provide the image rendering service, and it seemed very
> easy to add xml-rpc for scene bundle uploads handling too .. so it would
> work also when using the Tundra (==Naali) server.
> Otherwise we've been thinking about game logic systems and probably do
> more during the weekend after the presentation .. Pablo has earlier
> developed a node editor and similar things for artists to configure AI
> logic state machines etc, and we are doing some game etc. logic things
> now for new realXtend demos and to complete the scripting APIs back in
> Oulu in November and December. Is good to get to focus on that too now
> that the basic scene data with advanced materials etc. works quite
> nicely already.
> ~Toni
> --


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