
I'm a bit new to this fantastic realxtend world.

This Tundra project sounds really good. It makes me think about opencobalt.
I recently compared vr solutions to make a choice for a community project.
We choose rxtd as the most promising
Le 23 déc. 2010 23:00, "Antti Ilomäki" <antti.ilom...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> It's Christmas Eve in Finland already, so I guess this is as good a
> time as any to announce the latest realXtend release.
> Basic info on the Tundra project can be found here:
> http://realxtend.blogspot.com/2010/11/tundra-project.html
> In short: it's pretty cool new technology from the realXtend team,
> enabling new ways of content creation and utilization. I suggest you
> also check out this short overview of what's going on under the
> bonnet: http://www.realxtend.org/doxygen/tundradocumentfiles.html
> The current version isn't exactly complete yet and there's not that
> much user-level documentation available. We're trying to improve the
> situation, but this would be a really good spot for everyone out there
> to contribute; let's fill YouTube and all the blog sites with
> tutorials and instructions together! The download contains some
> examples you can investigate to find out how it works (on Windows you
> can find them in the start menu), but feel free to ask questions on
> the forums and IRC.
> Q: The viewer doesn't show any content when I start the avatar demo
> and connect to it, I also seem to be getting asset reference errors.
> What should I do?
> A: Go to the relevant directory (for example Tundra
> 1.0-preview\scenes\Avatar) and right-click on the .txml file. Select
> "Open Tundra viewer in this directory" and you should be good to go.
> Currently the Tundra asset system can't relay asset storage info to
> the viewer automatically, so we need to use this workaround.
> Q: On my WinXP computer the instruction messages seem to be wrong and
> some of the demos just don't work, why's that?
> A: Not known yet. Only report of these errors are from a fellow with a
> somewhat funky laptop and a knack for mangling software. If you bump
> into any issues let us know and we'll look into it.
> Get your very own Tundra preview release here:
> And Merry Christmas to everyone.
> --
> http://groups.google.com/group/realxtend
> http://www.realxtend.org


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