hi, all 
I have several problems on b2rex. I follow the guide, but blender can't load 
terrain data at all, and there is only a plane in blender 3Dviewer.
Here is my installion detail, 

install taiga0.2
(ip:, os:winXpSP3)
I follow this guide to install taiga0.2;
1.download Taiga-0.2.0.zip from github, and unzip to 
D:\dev\tools\realxtend\taiga\Taiga-0.2.0-externalip, say it TAITA_ROOT
2.launch TAITA_ROOT\configure.bat, use as the server ip, here is 
the screen shot, 

and use default values for all other settings.
3.launch TAITA_ROOT\start.bat, here is the logs on each console.
OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.exe         http://pastebin.com/1cG2BsBS
opensim.server.exe                  http://pastebin.com/euNMbis7
opensim.grid.messaging.server.exe   http://pastebin.com/GRmYgrkr
OpenSim.32bitlaunch.exe             http://pastebin.com/rjznukh6
note: I use for Internal IP address when OpenSim.32bitlaunch.exe 
ask me.

install blender and b2rex on the same computer
(ip:, os:winXPsp3)
follow this guide file://
1. install python-2.6.msi to C:\Python26;
2. install greenlet-0.3.1.win32-py2.6.exe, use all default settings.
3. get blender-2.56a-beta-windows32.zip, and install to 
D:\dev\blender\2.56a-b2rex_trunk\, say it BLENDER_ROOT
4. download https://github.com/downloads/b2rex/b2rex/b2rex-0.8.zip, unpack, and 
move everything under 

   b2rex-0.8/scripts/ to BLENDER_ROOT\2.56\scripts\addons
5. install ImageMagick-6.6.8-9-Q16-windows-static.exe to C:\ImageMagick;
6. download addon_ogreDotScene-0.3.3_Blender2.57.zip, and follow its readme.txt 
to install this package:
   1)copy io_export_ogreDotScene.py to BLENDER_ROOT/2.56/scripts/addons/
   2)Installing Dependencies:
            1. extract the zip "blender2ogre-minimal-deps(win32,wine).zip"
            2. install OgreCommandLineTools_1.6.3.msi and 
            3. copy OgreMeshy to C:\
            4.Install Ogre Command Line tools to C:\OgreCommandLineTools )
            5.Install NVIDIA DDS Legacy Utilities to C:\Program Files\NVIDIA 
Corporation\DDS Utilities
            6.Install Image Magick to C:\ImageMagick
            7.Copy folder addon_ogreDotScene 0.3.3 myshaders' to C:\myshaders
Now, my system path is:
 Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin;C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\DDS 
Utilities;D:\Program Files\TortoiseHg\;C:\Program 

7. launch BLENDER_ROOT\blender.exe, load ogre exporter, here is the log:
8. load b2rex plugin and ingore the "C runtime library incorrectly" message.
9. connection settings for b2rex, here is the screen shot
10,press the RT button
11.Here is the 4 console logs on server after I press RT button
And, here is the screeon shot and blender logs after I press RT button
You can see that there is only a plane loaded into blender. Even I wait 10 
minutes, the terrain map is not loaded at all.
12. when I press RT button again to disconnect, the blender logs are:
Then I press RT button to connect again, 
Note, this time there is no "localhost,11112" warning anymore.

13.When I change BLENDER_ROOT\2.56\scripts\addons\b2rexpkg\threadrt.py:112
self.socket.connect(("localhost", 11112))
self.socket.connect(("", 11112))
Then remove threadrt.pyc and restart blender again. When i login with b2rex, 
blender logs are:

My problems are:
1. Is there anything wrong in my taiga installtion? If any, how to solve the 
2. Is there anything wrong in my blender and b2rex installtion? If any, how to 
solve the problem?
3. Could you send your server and client archives to me?, e.g. the BLENDER\*.* 
and TAIGA\*.*, and I'm going make a compare with mine.
4. Could you send your python context archives to me? e.g. C:\Python26\*.*. and 
I'm going make a compare with mine.
5. Did you install any special site-packages for python and forgot to mention 
in the installion manual?
   Do I have to install xmlrpc manually?
6. do you install any packages besides greenlet to 
7. Could you tell me your IRC ID? 
8. Which database do you use? MySQL5.1 or SQLite? We tried SQLite, but taiga 




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