
On 08/04/11 14:21, yaoyansi wrote:
> Sorry for a mistake in the previous email. Please read this email.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> (...)
> 9. connection settings for b2rex, here is the screen shot
> http://hojocn.googlecode.com/files/connection_settings.JPG
> 10,press the RT button
> http://hojocn.googlecode.com/files/press_rt_button.JPG
> 11.Here is the 4 console logs on server after I press RT button
> http://pastebin.com/8qHRyC7p
> And, here is the screenshot and blender logs after I press RT button
> http://hojocn.googlecode.com/files/after_press_RT_button.JPG
> http://pastebin.com/Quajxyde
> You can see that there is only a plane loaded into blender. Even I wait 10 
> minutes, the terrain map is not loaded at all.

If things go right, the terrain should start loading a few seconds after
the connection turns on. In this case it looks like it's trying to
connect but it's not clear why it doesn't go on. Maybe you could take a
look at the b2rexpkg/simrt.py, and in the line (around line 145):

 print("LOGIN WITH", login_params)

change it to:

 print("LOGIN WITH", login_params, loginuri)

in order to see the loginuri the agent is using.

> 12. when I press RT button again to disconnect, the blender logs are:
> http://pastebin.com/AMWFk35e
> Then I press RT button to connect again, 
> http://pastebin.com/EzCYrFmW
> Note, this time there is no "localhost,11112" warning anymore.

This is ok. Looks like you run b2rex before and the connection agent
kept running, thus the second time it can't start it, but it's ok
because the other one can do the job (b2rex connects to the old one
anyways). When you disconnect the first agent disconnects and quits and
so the next time everything is ok (the error you see is an error trying
to open a second process on port 11112 which is where the b2rex agent

> 13.When I change BLENDER_ROOT\2.56\scripts\addons\b2rexpkg\threadrt.py:112
> from 
> self.socket.connect(("localhost", 11112))
> to
> self.socket.connect(("", 11112))
> Remove threadrt.pyc and restart blender. Then when  I login with b2rex, the 
> blender logs are:
> http://pastebin.com/rCREbiWX

This was not a good idea :). That path is hardcoded to localhost 11112
because that's where the b2rex connection agent runs, which is a
different process, but the agent was running ok, and the connection to
it are all right too, since we saw before it gets to the LOGIN_WITH log,
which means the agent managed to get the connection parameters from
blender, the fact that the agent quits when turning the RT button off
also illustrates this.

> My problems are:
> 1. Is there anything wrong in my taiga installtion? If any, how to solve the 
> problem?

Mmm, for the logs and similar reports from other people, I would say it
may be a problem due to grid mode being configured. Possibly all my
tests (my own public server, my local server and the realxtend virtual
expo world). If someone can provide a server configured in grid mode I
can probably test myself and see what's up, otherwise I have to
configure it myself and it can take some longer.

Another possibility is connections are getting stuck on xmlrpc. B2rex
comes with a patch needed at least on my os (b2rex/patches/patch01.patch).

> 2. Is there anything wrong in my blender and b2rex installtion? If any, how 
> to 
> solve the problem?

See the point above, as far as I can tell, b2rex and blender are working
properly, but b2rex gets stuck in the login process and the only reason
I can think of right now is grid configuration in taiga which I didn't test.

> 3. Could you send your server and client archives to me?, e.g. the 
> BLENDER\*.* 
> and TAIGA\*.*, and I'm going make a compare with mine.

I think it would be better if I can debug connection to a server in grid

> 4. Could you send your python context archives to me? e.g. C:\Python26\*.*. 
> and 
> I'm going make a compare with mine.

I wouldn't say

> 5. Did you install any special site-packages for python and forgot to mention 
> it 
> in the installion manual?
>    Do I have to install xmlrpc manually?

xmlrpc is included with python. about other packages I might have
forgot, it should show up in the logs clearly.

> 6. do you install any packages besides greenlet to 
> C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages?

The instructions should be ok.

> 7. Could you tell me your IRC ID? 

caedes at irc.freenode.net

> 8. Which database do you use? MySQL5.1 or SQLite? We tried SQLite, but taiga 
> crashed.

I use mysql.

Greetings and thx for the detailed information.


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