On Apr 20, 2011, at 1:05 AM, Toni Alatalo wrote:
> http://wiki.realxtend.org/index.php/Getting_Started_with_Naali#Mac links
> to Naali and Tundra 1.0 preview (the original december preview)
> versions.
> There's also a much newer Tundra 1.0.3 build which works pretty well,
> all the bundled Tundra demos like AV app and chat app and physics etc
> work -- I'll do that soon. It's also smaller than those older packages
> that contain a lot of development only etc. stuff.

Finally remembered to upload that newer version, 

Tommi also just told me that Cvetan, who has been making these mac builds, is 
giving a shot during the weekend to make a new build with current 1.0.6 code.

Usage is currently like on linux, type commands like this in the terminal to 
view demos:
./server-osx --file scenes/RenderToTexture/RttDemoWorld.txml



> These are not packaged as nice mac .apps yet, but require running a
> shell script to start .. am not sure if that works from finder
> currently, have been testing from terminals. If there is someone
> familiar with mac packacing etc. that'd like to work on this, help would
> be much appreciated.
> The guy who has been making these builds hopefully has a chance to
> update to current 1.0.5 / upcoming 1.0.6 tundra soon in the coming days
> so the mac version stays compatible. I also have a mac build env but had
> some trouble with it still, hopefully have time next week to work on
> that again.
>> Tinsel
> ~Toni
>> On Apr 19, 2:20 pm, Jani Pirkola <jpirk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> realXtend association is now officially up. The purpose of the association
>>> is to be a place for realXtend users and developers to give feedback and
>>> steer together the platform development. Association welcomes new members,
>>> organizations, companies and individuals to join to advance common goals.
>>> If you wish to join, send the filled application form from the end of this
>>> email to members...@realxtend.org. The membership is free, but the applicant
>>> must show interest and contribution to the platform - the contribution could
>>> be as simple as using realxtend to a particular usage, and occassionally
>>> reporting experiences, comments and bugs back to realXtend association.
>>> realXtend was founded 2007 and has already once rewritten its codebase,
>>> which was originally based on Second Life viewer and Opensimulator server.
>>> Now realXtend is Apache 2 licensed and aims to be the de facto standard for
>>> the coming 3D Internet. You can download the latest version of realXtend
>>> fromhttp://code.google.com/p/realxtend-naali/downloads/detail?name=realXt...
>>> We are working on to have a nice "try it" button on the realxtend.org web
>>> site for a more human friendly testing, currently the distribution is mainly
>>> friendly for developers.
>>> The founding parties of the association are: Adminotech, Center for Internet
>>> Excellence, ENNE, Evocativi, Letwory Interactive, Ludocraft and Playsign.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Jani Pirkola
>>> Chairman of the board
>>> realXtend Association
>>> application form (return to members...@realxtend.org)
>>> Your name:
>>> email:
>>> phone number:
>>> Address:
>>> Other contact details (e.g. web site):
>>> 1. How are you using realXtend now?
>>> 2. How do you plan to use realXtend in the future?
>>> 3. What feedback would you like to give to the realXtend?
>>> 4. What is the single most important thing you want to see on the platform
>>> in the future?
> -- 
> http://groups.google.com/group/realxtend
> http://www.realxtend.org


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