*Tundra 1.0.8 release is out!*

The windows msi installer got some new attention from me this time. Many
people have been having problems with the directx 9 detection. After some
research on the issue the web installer we use does not have the best
support for this. Also the (commercial) software I use to make the msi
package does not have good support for msi installer to check dependencies
on the fly. In order to do this properly I would need to make a .exe
bootstrapper for the msi. This is unwanted as msi has some nice features for
example sysadmins at eg. schools to mass install the client for big amount
of machines. Before we switched to msi installers we shipped the directx
installer and always ran it without checking if you have directx, this we
wanted to avoid with some smarter stuff but now it seems our approach was
not the best. So for this release and the next ones after it we have
re-enabled running the directx web installer every time you run a Tundra
installer. The installer itself will do a brief check (when you start
hitting continue franticly) if you have directx 9 and will do no additional
downloading or installing, if you dont have the latest 9.0c it will install
it for you. Hopefully you run this at least once to check if you have it, if
you are sure you have it you can just hit cancel on the directx installer
and it will go away and wont affect the Tundra installation in any way.
OpenAL and the C++ runtime still have the smart checks and will not prompt
you to install anything if you already have it, for these the smart checks
are working well so I left them as is. If you'd like to check directx after
the installation you will find a new shortcut start menu -> realXtend Tundra
-> Help -> Instal DirectX 9 to go trough the validation steps again.

I have also cleaned up the uninstall step of tundra. It will now clean the
install directory fully. Before when you ran tundra it left generated .pyc
files to pymodules and ogre wrote some temp test files under media. This
prevented the uninstall step to completely remove these folders. Now if you
don't manually copy new files to the tundra directories the uninstall step
will clean everything out. If you have auto server store enabled your
scene.txml file will be left intact and waiting for your next tundra install
(like when updating to new version), so you wont lose your servers scene on
updates (this has been the case from the beginning), the point was that if
you create files they wont be deleted. Same thing applies if you copy local
assets from example scenes (or tundra copies them for you) under data/assets
they wont be removed. I also added the support for desktop icon (its
selected by default) that will be named as "realXtend Tundra <version>",
this shortcut is also cleaned during a uninstall. For a full uninstall of
Tundra just run uninstaller and after that go to the install directory and
check if you had some assets or other stuff, see what you want to keep and
delete the rest. I hope we can move the default local storage directory
(data/assets) out from the install directory soon to appdata so you don't
have to do any manual cleanup. It would be good not to create any new files
to the install directory of course but we are not yet there, but very close.

But enough of the mumbo-jumbo and to the more interesting changelog:


   - New Kinect, joystick and wiimote code. This is still experimental work
   but the supporting python code is now there. We are not yet shipping the
   needed DLLs but you are free to try on your own. We will ship the needed
   DLLs once the python code is working properly under windows.
   - Code for ARModule: Simple support for augmented reality things. You can
   feed your reality camera feed to the background of the scene. The module
   also provides a simple EC that controls the depth/color buffer write for the
   entitys mesh. This module is not shipped (yet) with the installer. You can
   build it from sources if you want to experiment, ask more from Pforce on
   - Code for MobilityModule: Utilizes QtModility to get information about
   battery state, connectivity etc. This information can be used for login in
   scripts. This module is not yet shipped, but you can build it from souces if
   you want to experiment. Will possibly ship for windows releases in the
   future when refined a bit, as this will be useful for laptops.
   - Cave/StereoModule: Added new stereoscopy modes: Horizontal, Vertical
   and Checkboard. Also added functionality to flip the rendering on these
   - NullRenderer Ogre plugin: This plugin is used in headless mode (on
   windows only for now). Eliminates the need to have directx on server
   machines. Also loads the OgreRender module nicely without a remote GUI for a
   windows servers. This enables programs to start a tundra server on the
   desktop space without having a active remote to the server, also enables
   things like autorestarting on crashes if you want to implement something
   like this. The plugin will be enabled on linux aswell once tested properly


   - EC_WebView: Added illuminating attribute to control the lighting of a
   webview texture. If enabled the material/texture is emissive (emitting light
   basically) so its readable also in dark conditions. Enabled by default.
   - Avatar (simpleavatar.js) applications camera now evades obstables.
   Camera should not go outside of walls/obstacles so that you cannot see your
   avatar anymore. Supporting raycast functions added to
   - SlideSircle example scene got a lot of updates from therauli.
   - OgreRenderer now prints what plugins it loads succesfully and also what
   rendering plugin it takes into use. Useful if you want to know if you are
   actually running dx or opengl etc.
   - The "get back" buttons of object focus mode and freefly are now alot
   smaller and semi transparent so they wont hide the scene too much.
   - EC_RigidBody: Added toggle functions for gravityEnabled for single
   entities. Added InterpolateUpwards function that forces the body not to flip
   - EC_Placeable: More script exposing.
   - IControlDevice: Added new interface for DevicesAPI that joysticks and
   other controller can utilise, has nice signals for control devices versus
   the plain IDevice.

*Bug Fixes

   - EC_LaserPointer: All lasers were tracking all clients, so it was a mess
   to use this. Also now hides the laser if you go on top of UI or outside the
   main window rect.
   - Alt+Left Mouse Click on objects now focuses on the click position not
   the mesh origin.
   - When going into object focus mode stop the avatar movement and
   - EC_HoveringText: Fix couple crash bugs where image size was not
   validated before pushed to ogre.

To my knowledge no javascript api changes has happened so your scripts
should run as they did in 1.0.7. As usual any feedback and comments are
welcome :) Have fun!


   - Github code commits between 1.0.7 -> 1.0.8
   - API documentation http://www.realxtend.org/doxygen/
   - Link to installer
   you can update directly from the client or windows start menu if you already
   have Tundra installed)
   - Login portal http://login.realxtend.org/
   - RealXtend blog/website www.realxtend.org

Best regards,
Jonne Nauha
Adminotech developer


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