On May 1, 2012, at 7:26 PM, RexDilettant wrote:
> Anyone know how to get a copy?

For a fully working thing, you need the old rexserver download + the rexviewer 
from that time. I think it was included and working in the rexserver 0.4 
download, which is hopefully available via some archives. Ah they were 
SourceForge projects, so the server downloads are at 
http://sourceforge.net/projects/realxtendserver/files/realxtendserver/ and 
http://sourceforge.net/projects/realxtendviewer/files/realxtendviewer/0.42/ .. 
the direct file for what I think is the best version of the server for BTW, 

A current port of the static contents, saved using Naali from opensim+modrex 
(rexserver 0.5, where Beneath The Waves worked quite ok but not fully), and 
then converted to current Tundra format with a Python script, is on-line in 
http://www.realxtend.org/world/BeneathTheWaves/ (the txml+assets, you can start 
a local server from there: Tundra.exe --file 

I made a quite nicely looking limited version for current Tundra 2 last autumn, 
can put that on-line too (it has the insides of the dome pretty correct, and 
then what you see from there .. but the other areas have errors due to 
non-perfect conversion.)

The Tundra versions don't have any code, just the meshes+textures and the 
scene. On the other hand, the new Chesapeake Bay has basic fish etc. movement 
scripts. Might be fun to use those for the Coral fishes too, get some life to 
BTW on Tundra .. or why not port the whole thing with the game and all, if/when 
someone has time :)

> Emerald



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