Few things that forgot to mention

   - The release also has latest realXtend Tundra repository code. Which
   means months worth of features and bug fixes. I'm expecting rex to make
   their next release this/next week, depends when Jukka has time for it of
   - You can still do manua login (host+username) with the other client
   UIs. I made shortcuts to the installation for easy access: Start menu ->
   Adminotech Tundra -> Extras -> Tundra Browser Client and Tundra Classic
   Client. I will also make this available to our next release into the
   fancies UI :)
   - Screenshots don't do justice to the UI (subtle transition animations
   etc.), try it out!

Best regards,
Jonne Nauha
Adminotech developer

On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 12:54 AM, Jonne Nauha <jo...@adminotech.com> wrote:

> *Whats up?*
> *
> *
> After the Virtual Gallery Weekend Berlin event was over, we got back to
> Tundra client experience and our server hosting service development. We've
> done some exiting things, so I figured to post something about them.
> Our Tundra hosting has been developed now for a long time. One big problem
> for me was that it was really hard to find Tundra worlds even if they
> existed somewhere on the web. Our initial logins to Tundra scenes was
> always done via a "web portal" like we like to call them. A good example
> for this is http://login.realxtend.org/ that we host for the realXtend
> foundation to have some demo and sandbox scenes. The problem with this is
> that the end users needs to know the URL to that login portal or they will
> never end up there, sure we advertised that login portal on the mailing
> lists here every now and then, but its still too hard. Additionally the
> flow to visit a world is not very good when you first have to authenticate
> yourself to a web page, then your main application start. Why cant the
> client do this?
> Well now it can. We have made a new client user interface/experience from
> scratch. This login portal inside Tundra is only shipped in Adminotech
> client releases. You need to keep in mind everything we do with Tundra is
> open sourced via pull requests and the main Tundra benefits from virtually
> everything we do with Tundra. Good example of this is the rewritten
> MumblePlugin that we made, that finally got us working fully open source
> VOIP to Tundra. My point here is, the login UI we have made
> to accommodate simpler access to Adminotech hosted Tundra servers is not
> something that belongs to the core. Not in my or any other devs opinion.
> Adminotech hosted servers have nothing to do with the core Tundra, we just
> ship a different looking login UI than the "classic" write your IP:PORT and
> username here :)
> *Get started*
> *
> *
> http://tundra-adminotech.s3.amazonaws.com/post-images/admino-tundra-auth.png.
> *
> *
> Enough of that for now then, lets get to the features. When you install
> and run Adminotech Tundra (version where this feature ships is to
> be exact) you will land to a authentication page. Here you authenticate
> yourself with facebook (more 3rd party auths coming, like gmail) or with a
> Adminotech account. If you are skeptic about giving facebook auth, as I
> know some are, you can create a new adminotech account from the same UI.
> There is nothing to be scared about the facebook authentication though, we
> only request your email and your public profile picture (that is always
> public, even on your web profile). Facebook password is never given to us
> (of course right? :), it uses OAuth and takes a small trip on facebook own
> login page to verify who you are. Once you are logged in you will be
> remembered for as long as you click the "logout" link below your profile
> picture or if you auth to any web login portals, your Tundra login will be
> expired and you need to relogin.
> *Selecting a Tundra scene and login*
> *
> *
> http://tundra-adminotech.s3.amazonaws.com/post-images/admino-tundra-login-lobby.png
> Next you will land to a view that will show you all the public servers in
> our hosting. Public means the client is ok with giving public visibility
> and login access to their scene. Currently there are 9 public scenes, but
> as you can see from the bottom right corner stats we have about 60 scenes
> hosted total, so we expect the public visibility to grow in the future. The
> top part of the view is reserved for promoted servers. Currently Ludocraft
> Circus, rex/ensad RMP and Virtual Gallery Weekend Berlin are shown there to
> give people the idea. Basically its a nice place to highlight new scene or
> ongoing virtual events. The promotions and the servers listings are of
> course always fetched live from our backend, no client releases needed for
> updates :)
> http://tundra-adminotech.s3.amazonaws.com/post-images/admino-tundra-server-info.png
> Clicking a promotion image or server in the grid view will take you to a
> focus view. If the server is promoted it will show custom graphics that
> will tell you more about the scene or anything the client wants to relay to
> the user. If the server is not promoted it will show a screen shot of the
> last time you visited the scene, meaning the image area will be blank if
> you haven't visited that world yet. This view gives you the login option or
> you can go back to the main view. The grid view of the servers also shows
> you what worlds currently have other avatars, the ones with users are
> always sorted first in the list.
> http://tundra-adminotech.s3.amazonaws.com/post-images/admino-tundra-filter-resizing.png
> The UI will adapt to any sized screens as you can see on this screenshot.
> It also has filtering feature with auto suggestions if you cant remember
> something exactly. This search also works for avatar usernames that are
> inworld, so you can quickly find the server your friend is in. Granted this
> filter is not very useful when you only have 9 scenes in the grid view, but
> for example as i have the full ~60 scenes it sure comes handy :)
> *Download and try it*
> *
> *
> Our client is available for both mac and windows. Mac now has a nicer pkg
> installer, props to Cvetan for that. It will give you a more classic
> next-next-finish kind of install UI. It will also do checks that your OS is
> new enough to run Tundra etc.
> Auto update is live for both Adminotech Tundra windows and mac as usual.
> Additionally all web login portal client download links are also up to date
> and point to the latest installers, so if you'd prefer you can use those.
> Windows installer:
> https://github.com/downloads/Adminotech/tundra/Adminotech-Tundra-
> Mac installer:
> https://github.com/downloads/Adminotech/tundra/Adminotech-Tundra-
> *Login portal future*
> *
> *
> All login portals will remain working, this client will work well with web
> initiated logins as well. We will evaluate later if we want to fade out the
> web portals at some points, but right now there is no reason for that. They
> have many uses still and people have gotten used to those, it will take
> time to win people to the new way of doing things :) Also we need more
> features to the Tundra login portal for it to replace web logins for good
> (anonymous login etc.)
> *Tundra contributions*
> *
> *
> One big thing that we focused was making multiple logins with one Tundra
> instance. The norm nowadays is to visit a world, close the client, then
> login to another. That seems like a ass backwards way of doing things, and
> its slow with booting up the client all the time. I've hunted some (crash)
> bugs from the Tundra core that prevented us from simply logging out and
> connecting to another view. With the new Tundra, you can keep tundra
> running as long as you want :) This includes some threaded ogre asset load
> crash fixes, cleaning the asset memory when you disconnect or eventually
> your memory would end, some AssetAPI fixes to properly abort ongoing asset
> transfers if disconnected etc. All these ill be putting into a pull request
> in the upcoming days and send it to main Tundra.
> *Adminotech hosting*
> *
> *
> We have also made major improvements to our backend and we have more in
> the pipes. Soon our clients will be able to create new scenes, mark down
> applications from a web admin UI into that scene and the apps will be
> running next time you login :) This might be exiting for you SL/OpenSim
> type of folks that want the basic virtual worlds experience: avatar, chat,
> voip and terrain (possibly giving a height map to the admin web page etc.)
> with a click of a button. Then you can start building your worlds from
> there, we accommodate cloud hosting space for your scenes and assets. Now
> relative refs also work perfectly in our scenes so you don't have to work
> with cumbersome long URL to make things. This is not a company view (yet?
> :) but I'm dreaming of making solid primitive building tools to top the
> thing off, for ease of use for users that don't have 3D modeling
> experience, or just no need to make complicated meshes but are happy
> building with the good old prims. Who knows maybe someone in Tundra core
> beats me to it.
> If your company/organisation/project/etc. is interested in Tundra hosting
> please contact us admino (at) adminotech.com / http://www.adminotech.com. We
> don't offer anything official for individual people yet, but we will be
> working on that for the future. Individuals of course can also be in touch
> and let us know if you are interested.
> *Long rant...*
> *
> *
> Well it was, congrats if you read it to the end :) We will be making new
> features and develop this client UI further. Like allowing a manual login
> with ip+port+username to be done, people/devs need it, just didnt have time
> to put it in to the first release. Anyhow please let us know what you think
> and report bugs here or to our issue tracker
> https://github.com/Adminotech/tundra/issues
> Best regards,
> Jonne Nauha
> Adminotech developer


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