#!/apps/rebol/rebol -qw


Title: "SNMP v1 Trap model"

Date: 30-Oct-2000

Author: "Phil Hayes"

Version: 0.1

Owner: "The Cnut Archetype Ltd - www.cnut.dircon.co.uk"

Rights: "Copyright (C) The Cnut Archetype Ltd 2000"

Purpose: {

This script allows SNMP v1 MIB II traps to be built using

a simple data model.


Comment: {

N.B. This version does not allow variable bindings to be issued.

Version 0.2 will allow variable bindings to be sent with enterprise specific



History: [

0.1 [ 30-Oct-2000 "First Draft" "PH" ]


Language: 'English


; Constants

trapV1-pdu: #{a4}

int-type: #{02}

octet-type: #{04}

objid-type: #{06}

header-type: #{30}

ipaddr-type: #{40}

timeticks-type: #{43}

coldStart: 0

warmStart: 1

linkDown: 2

linkUp: 3

authFailure: 4

egpNeighborLoss: 5

enterpriseSpecific: 6

; Protocal Data Unit ( PDU ) var

pdu-var: make object! [

pv-type: none

pv-length: none

pv-value: none

func1: func [ n [ integer! ] /local r i ] [

r: copy #{}

i: to-integer ( n / 128 )

if ( i < 128 ) [

i: i + 128


insert r to-binary to-block i

i: to-integer ( n // 128 )

append r ( to-binary to-block i )

return r


SetValue: func [ val /local v1 i ] [

switch/default type?/word val [

integer! [ 

pv-type: int-type

pv-value: make binary! to-block val


string! [ 

pv-type: octet-type

pv-value: make binary! val


tuple! [ 

pv-type: ipaddr-type

v1: to-string val

replace/all v1 "." " "

pv-value: to-binary to-block v1


issue! [

pv-type: objid-type

replace/all val "." " "

pv-value: copy #{2b06010401}

foreach v1 to-block val [

i: to-integer v1

either i > 127 [

append pv-value ( func1 i )

] [

append pv-value to-binary to-block i




] [ 

pv-type: #{00}

pv-value: #{00}


pv-length: make binary! to-block length? pv-value 

; print [ "pdu-var data [" self/GetData "]" ]

; print [ "pdu-var length [" self/GetLength "]" ]


GetData: func [ /local v1 ] [

v1: make binary! []

append v1 pv-type

append v1 pv-length

append v1 pv-value

return v1


GetLength: func [] [

return length? self/GetData



size-var: make object! [

type: #{82}

filler: #{00}

length: none

SetLength: func [ len [integer!] ] [

length: make binary! to-block len

; print [ "size-var data [" self/GetData "]" ]

; print [ "size-var length [" self/GetLength "]" ]


GetData: func [ /local v1 ] [

v1: make binary! []

append v1 type

append v1 filler

append v1 length

return v1


GetLength: func [] [

return to-integer length



var-bind: make object! [

vb-header: header-type

vb-size: make size-var []

GetData: func [ /local v1 ] [

v1: make binary! []

append v1 vb-header

append v1 vb-size/GetData

return v1 



trap-pdu: make object! [

pdu-type: trapV1-pdu

size: make size-var []

enterprise: make pdu-var []

agent-addr: make pdu-var []

generic-trap: make pdu-var []

specific-trap: make pdu-var []

timestamp: make pdu-var []

varbindings: make var-bind []

SetSize: func [] [

size/SetLength self/GetLength


GetLength: func [ /local v1 ] [

v1: copy #{}

append v1 enterprise/GetData

append v1 agent-addr/GetData

append v1 generic-trap/GetData

append v1 specific-trap/GetData

append v1 timestamp/GetData

append v1 varbindings/GetData

return length? v1


GetData: func [ /local v1 ] [

v1: copy #{}

append v1 pdu-type

append v1 size/GetData

append v1 enterprise/GetData

append v1 agent-addr/GetData

append v1 generic-trap/GetData

append v1 specific-trap/GetData

append v1 timestamp/GetData

append v1 varbindings/GetData

return v1


SetTimeTicks: func [ i [integer!] ] [

timestamp/pv-type: timeticks-type

timestamp/pv-value: make binary! to-block i

; timestamp/pv-value: #{092ac9bc}

timestamp/pv-length: make binary! to-block length? timestamp/pv-value 



snmp-msg: make object! [

sm-header: header-type

sm-size: make size-var []

sm-version: make pdu-var []

sm-community: make pdu-var []

sm-pdu: make trap-pdu []

SetSize: func [] [

sm-size/SetLength self/GetLength


GetLength: func [ /local i ] [

i: sm-version/GetLength + sm-community/GetLength + length? sm-pdu/GetData

; print [ "snmp-msg length [" i "]" ]

return i


GetData: func [ /local v1 ] [

v1: copy #{}

append v1 sm-header

append v1 sm-size/GetData

append v1 sm-version/GetData

append v1 sm-community/GetData

append v1 sm-pdu/GetData

return v1



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