On Sat, 18 Nov 2000 14:46:04 +0100
 Doc Kimbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Just try :
> http-port: open tcp://www.mtnsms.com:80
> insert http-port rejoin [
>       "GET / HTTP/1.0" newline
>       "Host: www.mtnsms.com" newline newline
> ]
> while [data: copy http-port][prin data]
> By adding a Host header, the web server can determine
> which virtual host
> you're asking for. Rebol 'read function always send one. 

Thanks very much DK.  My development code actually has the
Host header present, but this clue led me to find the
problem that has been bugging me for the last few days!

Graham Chiu
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