For many people the meaning of:

"The function took N arguments."

may be unclear. To be as precise as possible, here is my definition:

args-taken?: function [
    {How many arguments a function took?}
    f [any-function!]
    args [block!]
] [test] [
    test: make block! 1 + length? args
    append test :f
    repeat i length? args [
        append/only test to paren! reduce [
            :pick 'args i
    test: do/next test
    if empty? second test [
        print {Warning! To obtain the complete result you should supply more
    (length? args) - (length? second test)

Let's test the above definition:

>> args-taken? :list-dir []
feedback.r    license.html  nntp.r        notes.html    rebdoc.r
rebol.exe     rebol.r       setup.html    user.r
Warning! To obtain the complete result you should supply more arguments.
== 0

Here the List-dir function took 0 arguments, but it might have done so just
because we didn't supply more. To make sure, we will watch what happens, if
we supply more arguments:

>> args-taken? :list-dir [%.]
feedback.r    license.html  nntp.r        notes.html    rebdoc.r
rebol.exe     rebol.r       setup.html    user.r
Warning! To obtain the complete result you should supply more arguments.
== 1

>> args-taken? :list-dir [%. %.]
feedback.r    license.html  nntp.r        notes.html    rebdoc.r
rebol.exe     rebol.r       setup.html    user.r
== 1

Now a more complicated example:

>> args-taken? :- [1 2 3]
== 1

The above result is telling us, that the - op used as a prefix operator
normally takes just one argument, even though Rebol is saying:

>> help -
    value1 - value2

     Returns the second value subtracted from the first.
     - is an op value.

     value1 -- (Type: number pair char money date time tuple)
     value2 -- (Type: number pair char money date time tuple)

>> args-taken? :do [:- 1 2 3]
== 1

Here we see, what the majority expected: Do took one argument.

>> args-taken? :do reduce [:- 1 2 3]
== 3


    Ladislav (preferring Rebol to assembler)

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