In order to prove to my IRC buddies that -20F in Fargo, North Dakota, 
is NOT anywhere near absolute zero, I have updated my temperature 
conversion object to include Kelvin conversions, as follows:

>> convert-temp/F-K -20
== 244.261111111111

-20F = 244.26K

   Title:   "Temperature Converter"
   Date:    15-Dec-2000
   Version: 1.0.0
   File:    %convert-temp.r
   Author:  "Ryan C. Christiansen"
   Purpose: {
      Convert Temperatures to and from units in Fahrenheit, Celsius, 
or Kelvin.

   Example: {
       >> convert-temp/F-C 212
       == 100

convert-temp: make object! [
    F-C: func [F] [C: ((F - 32) / 9) * 5]
    C-F: func [C] [F: ((C * 9) / 5) + 32]
    C-K: func [C] [K: C + 273.15]
    F-K: func [F] [K: (((F - 32) / 9) * 5) + 273.15]
    K-C: func [K] [C: K - 273.15]
    K-F: func [K] [F: (((K - 273.15) * 9) / 5) + 32]
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