Is there anyway to add the system processed event key names (home, end ,
left, right. etc) to a charset?  So far if I wish to add these key names for
screening, all I've been able to concoct is to make a block of the
individual characters.  For example:

my-keys-to-screen: [#"0" #"1" #"2" #"3" #"4" #"5" #"6" #"7" #"8" #"9" home
end left right]

then use a find on the block of individual keynames inside the engage
switch, like
 key [
     if find my-keys-to-screen event/key  [
         system/view/vid/vid-feel/edit-text face event get in face 'action

It works, but it just seems inelegant for building numerous unique sets
(such as can be done for parse rules).

Any thoughts?


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