clause 5 from
>At 06:17 AM 3/26/01 +0200, Petr Krenzelok wrote:
>Just in case you haven't noticed yet :-)
>Just one question - maybe I don't remember correctly, but was following
>paragraph part of earlier licence agreement?
>>"(5) email copies of Your Application in source form

I am not a software lawyer but I have seen a lot of agreements
in 24 years and I get some of the intent here.

Lets start with visual aids.   I envision EULA's are somewhat
of a cross between a sponge and a sea urchin.
Squeeze and either you get stabbed or
trapped water dribbles everywhere.

  I'll start with a small 'poke at the intent.

     Plan #A -- Trade free for free

Rebol-Tech would like to be able to post more stuff to its web site
to display the versatility of the product (rebol that is).
If you write something non-trivial they want the right to show it off.

The trade offered is
  "Your thingie becomes free from us
  if you freely give away rebol/core (our stuff)."


... not really.

This may be a stretch for some of us but
pretend you have a lot o time on your hands.
Maybe enough to write a book.
Certainly enough to author some cool rebol glue scripts.

Eventually you cobble together an app and you "release" version 0.1.

If you want rebol-tech to help you "publish" your app then this
is an excellent deal.  A win-win in the making...
You get fame (licensee in header)
even if you never finish writing the book.
[this is] Particularly applicable
if you never planned to charge for the app itself
(it was just gonna be examples in the book).

      Apps for profit?  Programmer for hire?
       - just cut R-T in for pennies

          Plan #B - [b]uy /runtime

What it comes down to is that your app is not standalone.
It needs at least a rebol/core to run.
The (5) clause is there to cover the lowest-end arrangements.
Somewhere below a penny. [
handles all the others ]

Remember that it applies to redistribution WITH your app.

If you are charging for Rebol programming or a built app
then plan to pay for the core and know that it wont be a lot.
$50 is cheap for an entry-level SDK.
$799 is very tolerable if you target micropayments and millions
of downloads for your killer-app.

     What about privacy/copyrights and control?

If you don't redistribute rebol/core then your app itself can be
as private as you need it to be.  (5) as it stands, does not apply to you.

( a /big/, and I am fairly certain - intentional, loophole here ;)
/me sees water squirting everywhere over that one.

If the customer has rebol
already then you don't have to do anything special.

     Hows this for control of the source:

If you like, you can get away not even sending the customer your script!
Just a rebol header and a 'do with a URL pointing back at your
public server!

You can even tell how many times the product was run!

My experience is this only fails if customer cant surf
for some reason.

     Plan #C  - make the [c]ustomer "aware"
                Rebol is in there

Get your customers to get their own copies of rebol/core.
Customers/clients become end-users.
R-T is protected from indirect lawsuits.  Works for me.
Spreads rebol around too.

[ yea I know, I -am- doing technical support for those
curious monkeys (ahem customers) who notice rebol icons
after they install and try drag-and-drop random things onto it ;]

If you want to keep the curious monkeys at bay use plan #B --
get N copies of /runtime and bind it with your app.
This immediately puts you under a different agreement
(which I am looking for on the site right now...

                          [note to R-T:  hey! where is the /runtime EULA? ]

...alas I will have to wait till site
maintainers deem the /runtime EULA
should be public & navable-to-without-purchase ).

If your clients will have customers then you are either back at #plan B
or #C .  You can always contact R-T if you want a custom arrangement.
I did.


By the inclusion of this clause
you are guided to use the /command binding and agreement
to overcome classic client/customer relationship problems
but are still able to develop and share stuff using the common /core
if you can't afford the minimal /runtime fees.

If you write a book and want rebol in it (core that is)
as a CD on the back then this clause provides an avenue
other than contacting [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a custom EULA for your book/CD.

Frankly, I'd rather call/email Dan.

He's a lot less disappointing than my lawyer.
My lawyer says I read too much into my agreements.
Your mileage may vary.

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