Your problem is that you are calling INFORM from within another
INFORM.  This is not such a safe thing to do.

If you just change "inform out" to "view/new out" it works fine except 
that the second pane is not modal.  You might also get around the
problem by doing a hide-popup before doing "interrogation" and then
re-popping the "out" layout when the interrogation popup exits.  This
would make only one popup on the screen at a time.

Bottom line:  don't make a modal dialog pop up a modal dialog... it's
probably not the most logical concept.


> Hi,
> I found a strange reaction in Rebol/View 1 for Linux :
> The goal of the next script is to change the text of a text widget.
> -------------------------------------------------
> REBOL []
> interrogation: func [titre [string!] txt-interro [string!] /local pass-l ok][
>     if none? :pass-l [
>         pass-l: layout[
>           origin 10x10
>             backdrop effect [gradient -1x-1 50.80.120 70.130.180]
>             across
>             title red :titre bold return
>             text 240 :txt-interro bold yellow return
>             button "YES" [hide-popup]
>             button "NO" [ok: no hide-popup]
>       ]
>     ]
>     ok: yes
>     inform pass-l
>     return ok
> ]
> panneau2: func [][
>     out: layout [
>       origin 10x10
>         backdrop effect [gradient -1x-1 50.80.120 70.130.180]
>         across
>       t: text 100x25 "Example" return
>       button "test" [
>           either interrogation "The test" "Do you want test it ?" [
>               t/text: copy "Test ok"
>           ][
>               t/text: copy "Test not ok"
>           ]
>           show t
>       ]
>     ]
>     inform out
> ]
> panneau: layout [
>     origin 10x10
>     backdrop effect [gradient -1x-1 50.80.120 70.130.180]
>     button "Go" [panneau2]
>     button "Quit" [quit]
> ]
> view panneau
> -------------------------------------------------
> In the previous version of Rebol/View (beta), it's seems to be ok.
> But in the new version (Rebol/View 1), I can't change the text.
> Why ?
> Cheers
> Etienne
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