From: "Nick Kitson"
> Hi Scott,
> I'm now confused again - my Outlook (12/98) & Outlook Express (4/99) have
> both implemented SMTP authentication and work successfully with my
> authenticating servers.  MS are not known to lead the pack in this area so
> surely there is standardisation of sorts, (even if it is MS sorts)
> Nick.

Good point.  Looks like I've been busted again!

Actually, I was not trying to imply that there was some major mystery.
Assuming exactly what you have surmised, out of curiosity, I went looking
for the RFC that covered the arena and was surprised by what I found
(namely, there is no single standard). My guess was that RT didn't really
want to get into an area that hadn't solidified.  It was just a guess,
though, and as any frequent reader of this list knows, I'm willing to
publically guess and am sometimes wrong (OK --- it can be frequent some
weeks ;-) .

What I did with APOP was Telnet to the account and watch the prompts that
come up.  Then its a matter of matching the prompts with the next steps
needed to do business.  Before I made yet another lame offer, I did a little
homework and realized that there probably is a good reason that RT hasn't
already done it.  But I don't know.

I'm no expert at REBOL, and in fact I'm not even particularly real good at
it.  But I've got moxie, and that seemed to be a good thing in the old
movies.  And I'm too dumb to know when to quit, so I usually end up getting
things done.  When I looked through the list archives and saw that half a
dozen people had asked the same question you asked, I was puzzled why the
real whizzes didn't just whip something up.  But they haven't, and it sounds
like RT is up to their eyeballs just keeping their product rollouts going.

The problem doesn't seem like it should be that hard, just potentially
messy, especially for a nice, well-factored solution.  If you've got no
other takers, I'll give it a crack.  I just need the temporary account in
order to see how your service does it.  No promises, though, on being able
to deliver a solution.

--Scott Jones

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