Howdy, Fantam:

Possibly missing ELF support.  The FreeBSD box you're on may
be an old a.out version.  Trying to execute an unsupported
binary format often results in that not-so helpful error
message (under a number of different unices).

What do you see when you type: 

  file ./rebol

as opposed to, say:  

  file `which ls` 

(for example)

Which version of FreeBSD?  (Try:  uname -a)

Another option: Are there compatability libraries installed?
Do you have a /usr/lib/compat/ directory? (Or compat/ dir
under some other /lib directory?)  If you have linux binary
compatibility there, you may be able to get a libc5 or libc6
linux binary to run.

Just a few things to start off with ... 


>    I  have  shell access  on  a  remote  freebsd machine.  I
>    uploaded rebol to my  home dir, unzipped and untarred it,
>    gave rebol execute permission, but when I type "rebol" or
>    "./rebol" on  the command line, the shell  says: file not
>    found.
>    What am I missing?

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