On Sun, 6 May 2001 11:41:57 +0200
 "Libertysurf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But now, why do I get "none" at each request ? Could
> anybody give me some help ?

Try this, and watch out for line wrapping...

rebol []

random/seed now
 menulistes: []
 liste_d: copy/deep [
   "Moi et famille" [main genou pied tête nez cheveux orteil
oreille bras pouce jambe oeil]
   "Objets" [chaise fenêtre baignoire fourchette lait table
four canapé porte lit réfrigérateur]
   "Objets personnels" [camion bol cuillère chaussures
pyjama "brosse àdents" oreiller balle nounours accordéon]
   "Aliments" [jus pain orange pâtes gâteau fraise viande
raisin pomme carotte banane fromage purée]
   "Animaux" [poule cochon cheval souris lion hyppopotame
serpent oiseau dauphin phoque baleine]

 choix: first liste_d

 foreach [ title datablock ] liste_d [append menulistes
 menulistes: sort menulistes

lecture: func [ value [string!] ] [
        bl: first next find liste_d value
        pick bl random ( length? bl )

 view center-face lay: layout [

  backdrop effect compose [gradient 1x1 (sky) (water)]
  t: text red ivory 900x300 center font-size 130 ""
  r: field wrap ivory 900x250 center font-size 100
font-color blue ""

  button 680x100 effect [gradient 200.0.0 0.200.0] font-size
25 "Suivant"
  [t/text: lecture liste_d show t]

  text-list 200x100 data menulistes [ t/text: lecture value
show t ]
;choix: face/picked

Graham Chiu
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