From: "Ronald Gruss"
> Hi, Scott,
> I'm glad to see how fast and how kindly you (from the rebol-list)
answer to
> my questions which must seem quite easy for you. Thanks.
> But in this case, it doesn't solve my problem : the base of my script
> Carl's "Cool Effect Gel" demo script, using a rotary button select
> effects and applying to gel. I'd like to be able to choose the color
of the
> 'multiply' effect (for instance by double-clicking or right-clicking
on the
> gel)
> Whith 255.0.0 in place of xxxxxx, the gel's color is fixed to red
> Trying whith request-color, the gel color is black and no color choice
> appears.
> When I try
> >> request-color/color black  ; and put the color to blue I get
> == 0.0.255
> It should work !!!
> This script is intended to be used whith children to experiment the
> of colored filters upon other colors. It would be interresting to make
3 of
> these filters (gel) being able to select each filter color (whith the
> request-color function)
> Sorry if I wasn't precise enough, but my english is far away from
> !!!
> REBOL []
> image1: load-thru/binary
> image2: load-thru/binary
> faces: layout [
>  img: image 300x300 image1
>  below
>  across
>  button image1 70x70 [img/image: image1 show img]
>  button image2 70x70 [img/image: image2 show img]
>  return
>  pos: vh2 90x24
>  ]
>  vid-face: get-style 'face
>  append faces/pane v-face: make vid-face [
>   size: 90x90
>   pos/text: offset: 340x20
>   edge: make edge [color: 250.120.40 size: 4x4]
>   color: font: para: text: data: image: none
>   effect: [multiply xxxxxx]
>   feel: make feel [
>    engage: func [f a e] [  ;intercepts target face events
>     if find [over away] a [
>      pos/text: f/offset: confine f/offset + e/offset - f/data f/size
>       0x0 f/parent-face/size
>      f/effect: [multiply xxxxxx]
>      show [f pos]
>     ]
>     if a = 'down [f/data: e/offset ]
>    ]
>   ]
>  ]
> view faces
> Bye

Hi, Ronald,

Well, English has been my primary language for 42 years, and I still
can't figure the language out!

I'm still not sure that I understand exactly what layout you are looking
for, but I've been hacking on two versions this morning.  I'll include
them both in order to give you further ideas on how to achieve your
desired effect.

Example One: Changed gel-effects.r to allow right click on image when
the selection is set to colorize to change the colorize value.  Several
problems exists.  First, to run this example, save the text in a file.
When I cut then paste the text in a REBOL/View console, REBOL locks up.
It runs fine from a file.  I don't know why this happens.  Next, there
is at least one additional bug, and this may be a bug in REBOL itself.
When the inform windows show with the color selector, the window should
be modal as far as I can tell.  As you will see the gel-window continues
to move while over the color request window.  Odd!?  And I couldn't
figure out a work-around solution.


the-image: load-thru/binary

effects: [
 [contrast 40]
 [colorize 0.0.200]
 [gradcol 1x1 0.0.255 255.0.0]
 [tint 100]
 [luma -80]
 [multiply 80.0.200]
 [grayscale emboss]
 [flip 0x1]
 [flip 1x0]
 [rotate 90]
 [reflect 1x1]

faces: layout [
 size the-image/size
 backdrop the-image
 pad 0x20 space 0x2
 vh2 yellow "Grab the gel and drag it around."
 vtext bold "Click on button below to change the effect."
 at the-image/size * 0x1 + 10x-40
 pos: vh1 90x24
 rota: rotary 200 [
  v-face/effect: load first rota/data
  show v-face

rota/data: []
foreach e effects [append/only rota/data form e]

my-color: 0.0.200

vid-face: get-style 'face

append faces/pane v-face: make vid-face [
 size: 100x100
 pos/text: offset: 108x92
 edge: make edge [color: 250.120.40 size: 4x4]
 color: font: para: text: data: image: none
 effect: first effects
 feel: make feel [
  engage: func [f a e] [  ;intercepts target face events
   if find [over away] a [
    pos/text: f/offset: confine f/offset + e/offset - f/data f/size
     0x0 f/parent-face/size
    f/effect: pick effects index? rota/data
    show [f pos]
   if a = 'down [f/data: e/offset]
   if a = 'alt-down [
    f/data: e/offset
    if tpos: find pick effects index? rota/data 'colorize [
     tpos: next tpos
     new-color: request-color/color first tpos
     if not none = new-color [
      change tpos new-color
      change rota/data rejoin ["colorize " new-color]
      show [f rota]

view faces

Example Two: In the second example, I have utilized your second
interface, but I changed the effects to buttons.  I have only included
two effects, but hopefully you will get the idea.  The multiply effect
requires somewhat higher values or you will only see black.


image1: load-thru/binary
image2: load-thru/binary

faces: layout [
 img: image 300x300 image1
 button "Colorize" [
  mpos: find img/effect 'colorize
  either not none = mpos [
   mpos: next mpos
   new-colorize: request-color/color first mpos
   if not none = new-colorize [
    change mpos new-colorize
    show img

   new-colorize: request-color
   if not none = new-colorize [
    img/effect: join img/effect ['colorize new-colorize]
    show img
 button "Multiply" [
  mpos: find img/effect 'multiply
  either not none = mpos [
   mpos: next mpos
   new-multiply: request-color/color first mpos
   if not none = new-multiply [
    change mpos new-multiply
    show img

   new-multiply: request-color
   if not none = new-multiply [
    img/effect: join img/effect ['multiply new-multiply]
    show img
 button image1 70x70 [img/image: image1 show img]
 button image2 70x70 [img/image: image2 show img]
 pos: vh2 90x24

view faces

I hope we are getting you closer to the solution for which you are
--Scott Jones

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