Hello Joel Neely

On 09-May-01, Joel Neely wrote:
JN> Hi, Terry,

JN> Good point!

JN> Terry Brownell wrote:
JN>> This topic needs to address legal issues such as copyrights,
JN>> licenses etc. Are all modules free?

JN> As I understand it, submitting code to CPAN is de facto making it
JN> available to the Perl community for re-use.  We could certainly
JN> (with appropriate legal help and language) make such a release
JN> a prerequisite for any code submitted to UHURU.

OK, I have a question here.

I really like the ideas that are being thrown around  here,  but  what
about  security?  If it is set up to automagically (or at least with a
requestor) download the latest version  if  available,  how  does  one
protect  from  some  lamer uploading a trojaned update? Or even making
sure that the first time you download a module it isn't trojaned?  (Us
Amiga-folk  have  been having a bit of trouble with this sort of thing
over on AmiNet whenever Amiga makes an announcement that  some  people
don't  agree  with...)  How does CPAN deal with this? How should UHURU
deal with it?

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