The following statement works in my script...

cgi-input: retrieve-user-data
message-action-cgi cgi-input

The function 'retrieve-user-data successfully transfers the CGI input into
the variable 'cgi-input and subsequently, the 'message-action-cgi function
successfully processes the cgi-input variable. The cgi-input object
includes three values: messageType, messageID, and actionType. I test the
above statements using a URL, as such...

But if I try to add error-checking so that it will default to using a
pre-defined object!, it does not work.

if error? try [
    cgi-input: retrieve-user-data
    message-action-cgi cgi-input
    no-cgi-input: make object! [
        messageType: "news"
        messageID: "none"
        actionType: "display"
    message-action-cgi no-cgi-input

I've been working on this little problem for a long time now. Can anyone
see what I'm doing wrong?

Ryan C. Christiansen
Web Developer

Intellisol International
4733 Amber Valley Parkway
Fargo, ND 58104
701-235-3390 ext. 6671
FAX: 701-235-9940

Global Leader in People Performance Software


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