On Sun, 07 Oct 2001 08:48:33 +1200
 Carl Read <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can you define what Swatch time is?  I've only heard
> they'd invented
> it.  Is Internet time the same?  If not, what is it?  I
> think GMT
> when I think Internet time.

See http://www.swatch.com

I cobbled this together last night

to-internettime: func [ time timezone /local gmttime hrs
mins secs ] [
        gmttime: time - timezone
        if gmttime < 0:00 [ gmttime: gmttime + 24:00 ]
        if gmttime > 24:00 [ gmttime: gmttime - 24:00 ]

        gmttime: parse to-string gmttime ":"

        hrs:  to-integer first gmttime 
        mins: to-integer second gmttime
        secs: pick gmttime 3
        secs: either none? secs [ 0 ] [ to-integer secs ]

        gmttime: ( ( ( hrs * 3600 ) + ( mins * 60 ) + secs ) /
86.40 ) + 41 ; offset from GMT/UTC
        if gmttime > 1000 [ gmttime: gmttime - 1000 ]
        return  ( to-integer ( gmttime * 100 ) ) / 100

internettime: does [
        return to-internettime now/time now/zone

Many of the brackets are redundant :)

> And isn't it time Daylight Saving was banned?  (Kicked in
> this morning
> here - grumble, grumble...)

I think we should be permanently on Daylight saving - they
should ban going back :)

Graham Chiu
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