
As I mentioned in another post earlier, I've been working for the past three
weeks on a pseudo class inheritance library for Rebol/Core. This would
enable rebol developers to use class to define object or class inheritance.

Why ? The current implementation of object "inheritance" under rebol is done
by a way of cloning (ie copying everything) from one object to the other.

Hmm and ? What I've been working on enable small objects (in term of memory
and method code) to refer big class (with a lot of method code).

But ? However, my implementation would require some diversions from the way
we actually code objects in rebol ! I would like to ask to those interested
in such a library if these diversions would be inappropriate to their coding
style, taste, etc...

rebol source code = [ ... ]

1. new class would be define like this :
   make-class 'class-name [ ... ]

   Inherited class would be define like this :
   make-class/from 'class-name [ ... ] super-class-name

   [ ... ] would look similar to the code we currently
   use in make object! [ ... ]

2. Object would be instanciated as :
   new-object-name: class-name/new

   I'm thinking about adding an automatic initiation method
   that would be call when instanciating an object ! What
   about a destroy method...

3. Type validation would be send as :
   object-name/type-of class-name

4. Within class declaration, methods would be define like this :
   method-name: func [value !refinement ref-value] [ ... ]

   However, during execution, refinement would be use as usual :
   method-name "a value"
   mathod-name/refinement "a value" "a ref-value"

5. Class within class would be declared as such
   make-class 'class-name [
       sub-class-within-class-name: sub-class

   where sub-class would be previously declared.

   Upon creation of a new-object/new, all sub-objects would
   have new instance of sub-class by sending new to these sub-class.

6. Extremely specific use of self/method or self/value within

   self/method or self/property would refer to the instance
   method or property...

   self method or self property would refer to the class
   method or property...

7. Specific calling of super-class within methods...

8. Current Reserved words : [class, super, self, new, type-of]

I've spent a lot of time on this, I hope some people are intersted in this
kind of library... otherwise I may return to my other project ;)

Note : the library has not been tested enough for a public release. also, it
would requires some testing by people working daily with objects in rebol,
mainly rebol gurus who could tell me if everything I'm doing is proper or
not ;) and how it could be better... or if a guru would like to take up the
project and make it better ! I'm open to suggestion !


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