1) When I use the parse-xml function, here's what I get:

>> xml-doc: parse-xml {<test><tag>This is inside "tag"</tag><goodForNothi
ng/> And this is in the outer tag, the "test" tag.</test>}
== [document none [["test" none [["tag" none [{This is inside "tag"}]] ["
goodForNothing" none none] { And this is in the outer tag,...
>> print mold xml-doc
[document none [["test" none [["tag" none [{This is inside "tag"}]] ["goo
dForNothing" none none] { And this is in the outer tag, the "test" tag.}]

Is there some good documentation for the use of this function somewhere, and, not 
least, for the kind of block tree it returns?

2) There is a build-tag function, which isn't perfect, but it _is_. Has anyone written 
a good function to go the other way? I.e. to turn a tag into a block or into an object?


Praetera censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

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