This is how my tcp-server deals with it

wait-ports: none
listen-port: open/no-wait/direct/binary tcp://:9999
wait-ports: [ listen-port ]

forever [

        ; Perform asynch wait !!!
        wait wait-ports

        ; Is port descriptor set ? 
        if not ( none? ( wait [ 0 listen-port ] ) ) [

                ; Add port to block
                append wait-ports first listen-port

        ; Set scope of port checking
        check-ports: next wait-ports

        ; Check port activity ?
        while [ ( length? check-ports ) > 0 ] [

                conn: first check-ports

                ; Is port still active ?
                either query conn [

                        ; Port active  ... so check if any data to be read
                        either not ( none? ( wait [ 0 conn ] ) ) [

                                ; Yes .. so determine size of data to be
                                readbuffer: copy #{}
                                readbuffer: copy conn
                                ; If length is none? then connection has
been closed 
                                either none? readbuffer [

                                        ; Close down port and tidy up
wait-ports block entry
                                        close conn
                                        remove check-ports

                                ] [

                                        ; Is this NOT a HTTP request ?
                                        either none? ( find readbuffer
"HTTP/1." ) [

                                                ; Remove data from port
                                                clear conn

                                                ; Move onto next port
                                                check-ports: next

                                        ] [

                                                ; HTTP request so detrmine
what to do ...

                                                ; Remember it's a
non-persistent connection 
                                                ; Tidy up
                                                clear conn
                                                close conn


                                        ; VIP - empty out buffer area !!!
                                        clear readbuffer

                                ] ; end of either none? readbuffer

                        ] [
                                check-ports: next check-ports

                ] [

                        ; Port is no longer active !

                        ; tidy up 
                        clear conn
                        close conn
                        remove check-ports

                ] ; end of query conn

        ] ; end of while ( length? ...


-----Original Message-----
From: Maarten Koopmans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 09 October 2001 10:00
Subject: [REBOL] Re: tcp port open?

I know.... but I can't see that in Rebol.

I am thinking of adding 'persistent connections' to Rugby but I need to know

if the pipe is broken in order to do that.


On Tuesday 09 October 2001 10:53, you wrote:
> You should have receive a notification that the connection has dropped
> that's the nature of TCP!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Petr Krenzelok [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 09 October 2001 09:23
> Subject: [REBOL] Re: tcp port open?
> Maarten Koopmans wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Is there a way to now if a tcp port is open on both sides. So that a
> server
> > (or client) can see whether or not the other side of the pipe is still
> open?
> I am not sure. Designing our camera we looked at Ethereal
> ( packet monitor, and TCP communication is several
> stages process of various ACK, SYN, RST, PSH, FIN type packets. There is
> real
> "connection" on the network, just packets sent here and there. That is why
> someone can watch your packets (sniff) and see what you are sending, if
> connected to the same network. So, alive connection is just some state in
> your
> tcp stack on your side, irrelevant to other side of "connection". There is
> also
> known case of semi-connection - e.g. one side timeouts, and the other side
> is
> still able to send packets, which are really delivered, just not probably
> processed.
> So, theoretically, if opposite side sends you FIN or RST assigned packet,
> you
> should note it. This question is, however, for Holger. We have 'query
> function
> available, maybe Rebol somehow knows, if opposite side closed the
> connection?
> -pekr-
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Maarten
> > --
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