This sensor use might be what you want.

---Some limitations:
a. applies to the whole window not just the text-list so
you can't have several together
b. does not interact with previous mouse selections.
c. I don't believe it will scroll a list. at least it does not in easyvid.r
when the list of screens gets long.


i: 1
show-pick: func [tl direction] [
        i: either direction = 'up [i - 1] [i + 1]
        i: max 1 min length? tl/data i
        tl/picked: compose [(pick tl/data i)]
        show tl

view layout [
        days: text-list 200x140 data ["Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" 
"Friday" "Saturday" "Sunday"]
        sensor keycode [up left] [show-pick days 'up]
        sensor keycode [down right] [show-pick days 'down]

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