Hi, all

I'am afraid that this is becoming a sensitive matter. I would not like to
see a war starting between the rebol-listers. I cannot recall who started
this, but it was an interesting thread. However I agree with Allen point of

> I see little point in using a style different to the style that is in used
> REBOL itself.

Patrick ( a voté )

ps : my main problem is the code ending with ] ] ] (as in the following code
from Joel Neely's RF article). These are not natural for me (sorry joel).

nbt: func [b [block!] /local rt cur pen front ]
[   rt: 0   cur: b   pen: []
    [   either empty? cur
        [   either empty? pen
            [   return rt]
            [   cur: first pen   pen: second pen]
        ][  either block? front: first cur
            [   pen: reduce [next cur pen]   cur: front]
            [   rt: rt + front   cur: next cur]
]   ]   ]

----- Original Message -----
From: "Allen Kamp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 10:35 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: Style R flavour checker ;-)

> I've been sitting back holding off commenting, but can't hold off forever.
> If you really want to make it easier for maintenance programmers, all I
> say is to repeat the Designer's Tip Sheet.
> Tip #7 Code in Style
> "REBOL is a highly dynamic language that allows massive creative freedon
> script's design. But, when it comes to the source format of your script,
> the standard style (found in the REBOL User's Guide). Adhering to a
> style will make your script easier for you and others to read"
> I see little point in using a style different to the style that is in used
> REBOL itself. For one thing the source function loses some of its utilty
> you have to mentaly map from the standard formatting to your own style.
> If you have trouble reading the standard style,  then maybe you haven't
> truly learnt to read REBOL yet.
> (or you might be carrying too much baggage from past languages.)
> Please stick to the standard guide as much as you can, at the very least
> please stick to it for posts to this list.
> When in Rome... etc
> Cheers,
> Allen K
> [close vent]
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