> > Now the question/brainstorming:
> >
> > - Main-server uses chaining to call to one of three (or more) child
> > servers, so it acts as proxy. Each of child servers is allowed to
> > maintain e.g. 20 simultaneous connections to database, or just accept 20
> > request from main-server. Each database query response is e.g. 20 KB,
> > formatted http output. If we will send responses from all three childs
> > in parts, it means 60 responses at a time, each of 20 KB, it means 1.2
> > MB - not that bad. Let's just say it is a peak on our 10 Mbit line. But
> > - as for webserver responses, it is a well known issue, that it is
> > better to send request once complete, at a time, not just in parts - it
> > is much faster. So, - should also child1,2,3 send responses one at a
> > time, or just in parts, as they build various phases of html page? Or
> > does it even really matter?
> >
> First "chaining" is implemented in servers. To use it in main-server you'd
> have to use /deferred and check with get-result in the event loop. But that
> should be easy.

And that is something I would like to discuss. In the set-up I described,
main-server acts as a proxy/bridge, accepting connection from external systems,
and doing deferred calls to child 1..3. But - that way the Rugby functionality is
degraded - I can't use chaining etc., as main-server runs only Rugby client mode.
And now one crazy idea -

What about not reinventing the wheel and implementing my own listening loop, and
run Rugby server in main-server? What would be needed? Simply to teach external
environments Rugby protocol. So now few questions -

- would it be possible to adapt Rugby the plug-in way (or just separate
versions), that would use tcp, http, xml-rpc, soap (in future for those who will
need it) transport mechanisms? I think that it is possible, as you offer xml-rpc?
OTOH this one is not probably so important (at least for me now), as I looked at
Visual Objects classes for e.g., and there is nice HTTP class implementation. The
same will probably go for Delphi, VB etc. IDEs.

- let's suppose we use current HTTP transport mechanism. Is it possible to have
Rugby protocol a little bit more abstracted? I mean - currently - result of
following line seem to be added to http header, right? But that is not all, as in
the case of compression internal part of Rugby message is compressed, and I am
not even talking checksum/secure part, which I don't know how to reproduce in
external language. And I am not better even mentioning secured connection :-)

cmd-string: rejoin [ {rugby-rq: [***} cmd-block  {***] xtra-info:
"1234567891011121314} ]

So, to sum it up - it would be nice to have external app to talk Rugby language
directly, as that way you can run main-server (your proxy/bridge) directly in
Rugby server mode.

What do you think about it?


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