Dear List,

Does anyone have any experience opening a read only connection to a
serial port through Rebol?

I have thrashed around with this for many hours and have developed some
code that is guaranteed to yield the blue screen of death but not a lot
of serial communication.

Basically I want to open com2 in the following configuration:

Read only

The device on the other end is a Garmin gps which is spitting out NMEA
sentences that are comma delimeted. (see below for typical sentence)

I have succesfully changed the communications parameters but I have been
unable to "effectively" capture the output.

I have opened and closed the port succesfully according to my breakout
monitor chained into the serial cable. I clearly see the DTE led come on
and off when issuing open and close commands. The close command does not
clear the RTS led when executed. I assume that the port has been opened
in Read/Write mode and is waiting for an RTS acknowledgement. Given that
I do not want to write to the serial port at this time I would prefer to
open the port in read only mode. 

My re-entry time after crashing the machine is excessive to say the
Loading all the docs, editor, rebol, etc. is a cruel punishment for not
knowing the ins and outs of Rebol. It is most discouraging to say the

If someone could take pity on me and my plight I would be most

Please don't write me an application, (I blush at "excessive" charity)
just a quick snippet to generate a stream of data from the gps hanging
on the serial port. Once I can get some data flowing properly I will
attempt to rise to the next challenge on my own wobbly Rebol legs.

Thanks in advance,


Typical data stream from GPS:

Some basic types of NMEA sentences:
                  $GPGGA  Global positioning system fixed data
                  $GPGLL  Geographic position - latitude / longitude
                  $GPGSA  GNSS DOP and active satellites
                  $GPGSV  GNSS satellites in view
                  $GPRMC  Recommended minimum specific GNSS data
                  $GPVTG  Course over ground and ground speed

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